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Everything posted by rockybalboa

  1. Nope. Science has never found an explaination kinda like the Bermuda triangle or stonehenge. I am against the helmet law and the seat belt law.I think we need to start taking power away from the police not giving them more.
  2. You were not on the correct roads if you wern't impressed.
  3. Welcome! Excelllent choice for a first bike.
  4. I'm not really interested but try Whodey he loves football.
  5. I know that guy.He awlays seems to be smiling!
  6. If every thing on your bike is the best of the best or limited quanties why get rid of it.You must have plenty of money to afford such rare items.Keep it and buy a new one.Thats what I would do!
  7. No. Can we get a link for that too.
  8. There is not enough space on the internet to describe the multiple times I have dropped my bikes!I will say I did it once while giving a beginner riding lessons.
  9. Done and done! Tomorrow works best for me but sunday is also good.
  10. I will only accept them if there is a video of them getting to me proving that they were treated to all their freedoms.
  11. I like monkeys I like monkeys I like monkeys. I only eat bagels that have been filtered to me.
  12. I'm in. I think we should go to bike night in dayton one thursday.If that is when it is.Maybe even Ninjanick will attend that night.
  13. I have reached my speed limiter.My 600 indicated 171 with stock gearing.Don't know why it is as fast as it is but I was pulling away from the two 750s while doing it. Amazing considering I was in my yard while I was doing all this!
  14. This should be the last post in this thread.It is just the way life is.Riding like that does not make you cool or a fast rider.Just a person that doesn't care if today is his last.
  15. Thanks fusion.I'm going to try and make the trip over. Hey Wolfman:bigfinger:.Are you interested in a trip?
  16. OK Its time for flat black group photo.Lets start planning.
  17. Please don't tell her that!I though this pic would be the final product but you see I was wrong.I don't want to take it apart AGAIN!
  18. Nice vid. Did you see that guys cool mountme hat.
  19. Yep this guy KNOWS all. Look out world gixxie is coming through! Why would you piss off so many people (in the cars)on purpose? Why would you ever video tape breaking that many laws? Camera= the devil. Be thankful you live in cinci. or Ky. not in columbus.That shit would never fly here.The cops here are bad enough that they would have chased you until you wrecked waited for you to die on the side of the road and then taken your dead ass to jail.
  20. I think I have a factory exhust for your bike if I do you can have it.
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