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Posts posted by rockybalboa

  1. and why do girls tell me my wang is soooo much bigger than Rocky's? rocky you have a wee-wee that makes Asians feel good.

    Funny!Its really to bad you turned out like you did.Any lucky person that was half asian and white would end up with asain brain and white junk.So SORRY you ended up with the opposite.

  2. You are correct. The novice brand only means you must wear a helmet. The best thing to do is go to courrt and plead not gulity.then go to the first arraignment and show the prosecutor that the cops were wrong and that you want the charges droped or greatly reduced.It might be better to take a lawyer for that part but not totatly necessary.Don't take a no points speed that is the same thing to the insurance companies.If you can show that the cop was wrong (they were) you can get all the charges dropped some of the time.

  3. I think NinjaNick is a Prick but so is everyone that has posted under this thread.

    420 you Are on topic but so is NinjaNick.Anyone that is starting an arguement or making fun or talking shit is on topic.The topic is lets start shit, not is the flame room bad or good.Nice arguement though.

  4. I think you are on the right track with the black/black 750.The 750 will almost run with the 1000s in a staight line and almsot turn with the 600s in the twisties.The difference between the 600 and the 1000 on the street is the torque coming out of the corner and acceleration above 120 m.p.h.. I'm sure this is going to cause an arguement but here goes.The 1000 makes more torque it is more likely to spin up the rear tire while exiting the corners.The 1000 also accelerates a good deal faster above 120 so it is easier to enter a corner at a higher rate of speed.Then again the 1000 is faster and more fun out on the freeway.They both have their ups and downs.I still vote for the 750 but the decision is yours.You just need to decide what you want to have a greater edge in.

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