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Posts posted by rockybalboa

  1. Thanks Cleaner for doing all the planning. I had alot of fun. Well except the last part of the ride when the right side of my visor came loose from my helmet.When I was getting on 71S I turned my head slightly to the left to check for traffic and the wind cought the visor pulling it away from the helmet trying to turn the helmet around on my head. It was strong enough that I had to use my hand to turn the visor and the helmet around so I could see where I was going.

  2. You guys are all stupid it went from talking about what happened last night to the wrongs and rights of carrying a concealed weapon. I'll put money on it that any of you guys that have your ccw license wouldn't pull the trigger if you had to. And just because you have it doesn't mean you can just go around shooting anyone that pissed you off or pull it on them. Have any of you ever shot anything living before? I bet not. JACKASSES! Fucking stupid.

    Bottom line is if you weren't there then shut up. They didn't come up from behind you and almost put you into car or run you off the road. They didn't just ride by reving.

    Flounder why do you constantly comment in hinesight in a negative way, such a critic.

    +1 I think twincharge was only trying to get across how frustating the situation was. There was no need for a gun, just to put someone in their place.

  3. Flounder, you have to quit thinking logically. I don't like agreeing with you. :lol:

    Seriously guys, how hard would it have been to, say... out run them? Duh? It would've been a lot funnier if you guys all dusted these guys. Then, slow down for them to catch up and do it again. What if one of those guys had a gun? They're fucking with you, you guys chase one down and pulls a gun on your ass. Stupidity all around. Nothing personal. I wasn't there so the whole "heat of the moment" thing might have taken me over as well. However, I think its fucking hilarious when Harley guys get near me and start revving their loud ass pipes at me. I'll drop to 2nd and hammer it, then wait for them to catch up. Usually, they don't pipe me anymore.

    that is what I did to piss him off. I literally rode at least 7 circles around him I thought it was pretty damn funny.

  4. Sorry your not getting the details. short version, a guy on a harley was being a dick,he offered to give me an ass beating so I stopped to take him up on it. When he realized I was serious and was not going to run from him he backed down and rode away with his tale between his legs.NO VIOLENCE!

  5. I'm up for another ride and I think I can get johhnymac to plan us another great route to go. I was thinking about either the weekend before or the weekend after LPSANDERS ride on Oct. 6. Are saturdays or sundays better for the group? Do we want to do 1or 2 groups?Medium or hard roads? Let me know and I'll start to work on the details.

  6. Fireman, NinjaNick isn't worried about speed. Me either... I see cornfields and think "cushin." Lets set up a ride so you can make a video.

    I like your thinking! If you don't mind me inviting myself I'm down for a fast paced ride with you guys. Hey fireman if you remember correctly the last time I was on a equal bike I was with in a second of your lap times, of course that was more than 2 years ago back int the big super sport days.I couldnt do that now I havent beeen practiceing much this year with all the rally car stuff i've been doing.

  7. 1.) Aaron

    2.) Lauren (I'll meet the herd at the BP in Pataskala)

    3.) Trapper (me), and two other guys local to me who arn't on the board,

    4.) Matt

    5.) Jim

    6.) John (RVT43125)

    7.)mandie (gsxr750girl)

    8.)John (rockybalboa)


    10-12.)plus 3 more that aren't on the board

  8. Ok i've revised this ride and completed the planning. The ride will be open to EVERYONE. It should end up being just like all the other ohioriders rides except better organised (hopefully).There will be slow riders, fast riders, and every thing inbetween. Everyone should be able to find a comfortable spot in this group. I've got a route planned that should include the majority of the best motorcycling roads in ohio.There will be a lunch stop in marrieta at a mexican restaraunt that is very tasty.This ride will be focused on the group having fun not racing.I know that is contrary to the original post but I did not get the response from the people those comments were aimed at, so I decided to plan the most enjoyable ride that I could.If anyone is still interested the meeting spots and times are still the same.

  9. yes you can come. we already have 1 girl confirmed and at least 1 female on the probably list. The ride is open to everyone,I expect to have a wide variety riders. If we are patient with one another I'm sure everyone will have a good time.

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