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Posts posted by rockybalboa

  1. Hey guys. Glad to see your enjoying the great out doors.I wanted to see you were doing any more rides in the dirt that will be open to every one.I would like to go with you at some point.I have a LTZ400 so I may be able to keep up some of the time.The construction zone on 161 sounds like a blast. Let me know when and i'll be there .

  2. Pretty unfair that only one person in this forum is allowed to get his point accross.If you dont know,quite a few posts were deleted from this thread.Dont delete my opinions just to keep the tread going in the direction you want like your god.

  3. Harbor freight has a reputation for being cheap and I have not had good luck with anything from there. I would look for either a miller or a lincoln welder. They are usually the best brand on the market. If you want something less expensive you can try sears. A friend of mine bought a craftsman welder from there has had good luck with it. do not buy a flux core welder. A welder that uses gas will help you learn faster and help the finished product look better.Also make sure that the welder is rated to weld the correct thickness.

  4. I'm into the rallycars.I was in L.A. for the rally event at the x-games about a month ago. We did pretty good there but I a little upset that we did not make the "live" tv coverage.Only 8 of the 13 invited car made it on to "live" coverage because skateboarding run 45 mins longer tht they were suppose to.I do have a couple sets of rally tires for sale if anyone is interested.I am doing a tuff truck event tonight sept.18 not in the rallycar but my tracker will have rally tires on it. the event is at the delaware county fairgrounds at 7:00 if anyone is looking for something to do tonight.

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