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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. when we did mine, we used a differant book, you can pick it up at books a million, borders, barnes and nobles...etc are you finally going to do your suspension matt? about time!
  2. jermattak


    back on topic! what kind of dirtybike?
  3. someone has definantly posted that video before
  4. or build me a sidecar, whatever works
  5. someone get me a wheelchair and i'll go!
  6. i saw it when we stayed there, i wanna go, i love old bikes, if i make it up to cbus for the 3 year thing we should go if we have time.
  7. i prolly said that cause they are a skinhead band, and i didnt want anyone to think i was a crazy skin
  8. cbr 1000 with replica plastics
  9. i should have them crawling all over me, i have plenty, haha
  10. wrong thread catman! look for the may 3rd one
  11. yeah, heard about the wreck, matt, nate, and dave stopped by my house after, be careful out there!
  12. cause my name is jeremy, and people have been calling me jerm for short for years, and attak was one of my favorite bands years ago, so all my s/n's have been jermattak since i was a freshman in highschool
  13. 4800 takes it right now, he said
  14. thats cool, but btw, i forgot, the mount is permanant unless you would rather suction cup it (i have the mount) to the tank, but ive never tried it, so it would have to be safety wired
  15. sorry, unfortunantly, no preboozed women at my house, but if someone wants my cam, gimme a call, and swing by the house
  16. no, i dont plan on selling it, i plan on figuring out why it happened, my guess is the suspension was too hard for my weight, way too hard. I bought it from a guy who weighed probably aound 220, im like 140, and on a bike that light, suspension settings are really important. gonna buy a damper also
  17. yeah, i know the talis boneis common, but the retards at Mercy didnt get me surgury asap, they planned on not getting me surgury for three days, they called another surgeon, and he called them stupid basically, had me transferred within 15 minutes, and i got the surgury. my bone went without blood for 20 hours, and after 12 hours, the damage starts, thats my only worry
  18. really brandon? did you happen to break the talis?
  19. gear doesnt make you invincible, not sure how it got hurt, but ifractured and rotated my talis bone, i have 2 screws holding it together now, and know im waiting and praying that the blood supply to the bone grows back
  20. looks good man, i got my light on too...right before i crashed
  21. i was wearing sidi vertigos and i hit a pothole on my motard and went into a lock to lock tankslapper and couldnt get out of it
  22. fine fine, im cool with it now before after, one pic of each inscision
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