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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. if someonewants to borrow my helmet cam and a mount you can video it!
  2. ill probably be there, depending on how my ankle feels, i wanna go! junkie parties are fun!
  3. how do you know he didnt take the helmet inside with him? or did you see him riding
  4. thanks guys, ive been having a rough time the past two days, keep me in your prayers
  5. RIP, you both are in my prayers, love you guys
  6. http://www.myspace.com/shadow_hare
  7. holy crap! i wanna meet this dude! thats hilarious!
  8. a few of them did, like horribly, i didnt feel most of em, i guess it just depends if they are touching a nerve or not
  9. sorry, no pics, i nearly went into a panic attack when i saw it, thats my shifting foot, ill post them soon
  10. how often do you plan on going to the road track? its not hard to raise and lower, doesnt take long at all, youll probably be going to the strip more since its cheaper, and probably closer, and available every weekend. slam it on its balls if you want, and before a track day, raise it back up
  11. jermattak


    wait, is that a boosted lawnmower?
  12. Staples were removed today, didnt know i had that many. The soft cast is off now, i have a boot, and im supposed to leave it off when im laying around, and im supposed to keep moving it, i can move it some, and im using a belt to pull it to get more out of it. It looks nasty, i have pics, but i dont want to hear what you guys have to say about it, cause it will make it worse il post up when im better but really guys, doc said everything is looking good, cant really tell the condition of the bone right now, so keep me in your prayers still!
  13. yeah, ive been back for about a week, my follow up is in a few hours
  14. damn dude! get better im on morphine and percocets too, ask them for dilouden
  15. yeah, dont plug it, any tire shop will patch it, bike shops wont do it it, and most shops wont install a patched tire, if i wasnt handicapped at the moment, i would do it for you, but i know of a placethat might install it, and they only charge 18 off the bike
  16. remember when i said, ill take that as a sign, and i wont go? yeah, im glad i didnt pay for it, cause i broke my ankle 3 days later! sounds like a blast though, post some pics!
  17. is it near the sidewall? everyone on here is going to tell you not to do it, just to throw it away, but its the rear, and if it not near the sidewall, a large patch put on correctly should suffice, i did it once a few years ago, and put a few grand (no real intense riding) on it without any problems
  18. they are full of shit dude, you didnt have problems before, THEY took the clutch out and put it back in, THEY messed it up, in the original pic in this thread, i see the clutch in pieces. These guys should not be working on bikes.
  19. jermattak


    whats your reasoning? it might actually work, the rear wheel turns, so you have more traction
  20. jermattak


    interesting concept, ive always wondered what it would feel like to ride something with a swingarm in the front (cant remember the technical term)
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