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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. every single thread you guys....you guys are all queers!
  2. he started riding before i was born!
  3. mmmmmm, i dunnoo, doubtful........ uh...post some pics
  4. what? did you say something?
  5. saw this on craigslist, its not mine http://cincinnati.craigslist.org/mcy/1205269956.html i dont have room/time, looks like an awesome deal!
  6. nope :( still have a month before i can put weight on it, was supposed to be two, but its healing very well, i also found out i dont have to have an ankle fusion, with is stellar news...after one month, ii start physical therapy, and basically, learn how to walk again

  7. jermattak

    Trade ??

    i dont need any of that stuff, my gixxer is kinda sorta for sale, but i would like to get at least 1500 cash and the rest in the trade is the cb restored and cafe'd?
  8. 1 year, and the tires i told him to get, and the riding tips i taught him
  9. wont be eating a full slab? your such a woman!
  10. voted suomey, but i wear arai...or did until my last one was trashed. my next helmet will be an airoh s4
  11. welcome to ohioriders! im jerm

  12. sounds like a good deal! i dont have room for another
  13. kick the bitch over to put a nice dent in the tank, and you wont worry about the little scratches and spend time and money on making it look good :lol just kidding man, bike looks great!
  14. ever since i quit riding with you guys, the cincy threads get gayer and gayer
  15. i have a tail piece to an unknown bike that has been rattlecanned, small crack off in the corner...i found it in the middle of the road last year, pm me if you want it
  16. i cant make it this time man, family stuff + i cant ride anyways
  17. agreed, regardless, someone lost their life, and that sucks, RIP
  18. i took a wrangler there, beautiful scenery, i wanna move there!
  19. youve come a long way. Me and chris used to wait at stop signs with our bikes off, then we would hear your obnoxious fart can screaming in too low of a gear a mile behind us
  20. i know right? im kind of a big deal here :lol kidden, looking forward to meeting everyone that i havent met yet and of course, there will be wheelchair stunting, someone bring some sweet ramps!
  21. ill be there, pm me your addy nate, if you need a ride, i can drive
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