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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. good luck keeping it alove long enough to even get it warm!
  2. well, i got one back together, but its not one of the street bikes, im knocking them out one at a time! taking a look at the gixxer today
  3. unfortuantly, all my bikes are down, one will be done today, but the street bikes are out of commision until further notice, today is a gorgeous day, this saddens me!
  4. i mean, are you planning on staying up there saturday night?
  5. what time you heading back to cincy?
  6. thought about it, but what about sliding on the pavement? i guess im more worried about the street since ill be riding at higher speeds than i will be on a tight track
  7. when will you be leaving, and when would you be heading back? if its rains a bunch between now and then, ill go
  8. sweet! what are you doing about gear? i have my leather suit, but its too tight for this stuff, thor supposably makes a good suit, but they only have s,m,l sizing and im 5'9 and 140 lbs, that kind of sizing doesnt work well with me. i would like to have sm boots, but im trying to figure out if my sg10's could double as sm boots
  9. i know dude, its not far at all, but $20-40 track days, and i can afford to dump it, hell ill ride every track that my truck can make it too
  10. they have a sumo track? i did not know this
  11. pssh, ill beat that POS kawi with my dyno vfr
  12. dude, i know, i super stubborn about fixing my own shit, and ive been poking it for a week, i just want to ride. for real dude, we'll make it happen, circleville looks like a blast, i need sumo riders to keep me company on rides miles ahead of all the i4 riders in the twisties too, haha
  13. oh come on, your just scared cause you know ill win since i only weigh like 50 pounds
  14. same, not into that kind of racing as much as others, but ill run my bike anyway for shits and giggles
  15. 100, dont talk about it, im pissed i cant go, all of a sudden i had some electrical problems, and i dont have the tools to test each component, its a really weird problem, im taking it to my buddies shop toomorrow so they can test it, i know i need somethin though, when i test rode it, i thought it was just a dead battery, but, after riding it a few times and having problems, this isnt the case.
  16. you need to post the vid you showed me of you and that lead sled in the woods
  17. NOT a dual sport! motard people...motard
  18. fack! i already got mine, gonna wire it up this weeked
  19. one of my favorite parts
  20. pics!! sorting through some electrical gremlins right now, should be on the road soon
  21. is the 450 fi? if so, forget about the dumb shop and buy it
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