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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. some very VERY large stripper snuck up behind me and started whispering in my ear asking me to go in the back, i looked back, and was like uhhhhhhhhhh........yeah, about that...i dont have any money.... "guys, thats a sign that its time to get out of here"
  2. i used to go to diamonds everyonce and a while, only when i was messed up though. two of the members on here (wont mention names!) took me to cheeks, and i almost puked
  3. Im picking up another bike soon, ill be down for a dyno day if i do. brandon, hit me up with details when you get them too
  4. i might know a guy, i work with him, he took them out, cause he thought no matter what it sounded like louder=cool ill ask him tomorrow
  5. dangit dude, more notice! me and matt have been working on derricks (dln#####) bike for a while, we would have met up with ya luke
  6. shit, i forgot to post pics of my new one, will in a minute
  7. a pink female harley, noice! that will get get the hd guys blood boiling
  8. psssh, i highsided my srad at 80, and an hour later lowsided it at 40, no sir. the srads are tanks
  9. hell yeah! now mount a minigun on that luggage rack and make your passenger sit backwards
  10. motard, easy, they weigh 300 lbs, small, already stripped down, and have large bars on them, and when you wreck, stuff is cheap, they also pull wheelies retarded easy
  11. i love bumping this thread, bandage comes off in 3 hours on my wrists, in the mean time, i never posted a finished sleeve pic
  12. wow, i remember posting that now, well, i sold the cafe bike, bought a dirtbike, and now im trying to land a 625 smc, if i dont get that, ill prolly get this
  13. will, why is this a ridiculous thread? this is our government, were discussing the structure of how our society works.
  14. im 6'5" and im doing fine on my gsxr, I think a vstrom would be a great bike though, much taller, perfect size
  15. craigshelper? thank you! ive been wanting a way to search all of craigslist, thanks for posting those links!
  16. as you could guess from my first post, i never put my faith in the government! Im talking about al the sheep who blindly follow their leader and keep their mouth shut when they have an opinion
  17. and if you think any one american citizen is willing to kill and die for their policital party, you are loony! Obviously, if things keep going the way they are going, people will lose all faith in the government.
  18. i still dont understand whysomeone would give a president, especially one that they dont approve of, sovereign loyalty. This has been discussed before, and im gonna say what i said before. i dont understand why i should support something that i disagree with. If we dont question authority, they have absolute power. I dont believe there is a difference between supporting our president, and supporting the decisions he makes. The president is the decisions he makes, he is a leader, a decision maker. as my boy Gandhi said "honest dissagreement is a good sign of progress" "to annouce that there should be no critisism of the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the american public" teddy roosevelt This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it. honest abe
  19. 2 times for me, and wtf? no helmet? i hope you wear one now dude
  20. i ride once at least once a week in the winter, pretty much everyday when its warm
  21. but anyway matt, i dot think i can make this one, ill give you a cal if something changes
  22. ir the orange marmalade just kidding! we will wait till hes older to make jokes about eating him
  23. matt is retarded, hes lived there pretty much hi whole life too
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