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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. this is in dirty talk, OP, you talking dirtybikes or street?
  2. havent been to either in two years, im game for either, as long im not the one driving to cedar point!
  3. drop my helmet by the bike, kick it to jam it between the ground and the headers, drape my jacket off my pipe, cram my gloves by the shock
  4. because commercials wont do shit, but seeing one of the new bikes on the street ripping it up, or one that looks really cool, whatever the potential customer is in to, will get them to buy it. The rider and the bike itself is free advertisement, and it works
  5. im gonna down this pot of coffee and head out, i just got the gsxr running right, im only gonna ride until sevenish if you miss this thread, call me at 2888313
  6. if you can get me there for the pre april first price(135) i want to go

  7. how much is one day at putnam on the 25th

  8. after matt left my house i ended up fixing the gix in five minutes
  9. right on dude, yeah, we have alot of guys from cincy on here, we will ride for sure
  10. woohoo! more motarded people! where do you go to school?
  11. noice, ill give you a call tomorrow, well ride for a bit if the gix is running
  12. was tj bitching about his tire the whole time?
  13. your opinion of me will change when i double superman backflip over you and your crf at circleville!
  14. i cant ride or anything till like twoish, and thats if i can get my gsxr running right. brandon, gimme a call if you guys go to hooters afterwards, ill meet up and bullshit with you guys
  15. sorry i couldnt make it, should be at the next one! havent been up there in a while
  16. waiting for my friends mechanic to figure it out, i poked the ktm for too long, first time ive ever taken anything to the shop except tires, and yes, i feel less of a man for doing so
  17. post your shit on craigslist jackass! we dont want your shit!
  18. you can try! not to sound vile or anything, but i think your boobs are too big for it, it fits me pretty tight around the chest, but your free to give it a whirl!

  19. dont forget the cross drilled brake lines!
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