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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. holy shit! you and derrick need to watch those yellow lines andrew!
  2. welcome man we ride out your way all the time
  3. welcome bro, i know exactly where your at, your veery close to where we all meet up most of the time im in the township
  4. you were in fairfield on sunday! actually right around the corner from reaper, tj lives right there
  5. usually the chipotle by cincy mills in fairfield/forest park, quite a few of us live up north, and there is some really good riding right around the corner, we can make those roads last for hours
  6. ill trade you my 05 kx for your 05 zx!
  7. and you could even supply the alcohol! The only thing were missing is the crusty biker women, and the steppenwolf cover band, and it will be just like qs&l!
  8. i might be in, if its dry, im sick of mud, ive riden a few places, but i havent rode in the dirt yet! im kinda new to dirt riding, i keep up pretty well, but i need some help every now and then
  9. you got it the other way around son, if we are talking about a car of the same caliber as a bike (a watered down racecar vs a watered down racebike) the car will always win cars-better brakes, higher top speeds, more traction, and it takes less time to switch directions bikes-weight to power ratio of course it all comes down as to what kind of racing, and where, 1/4 mile, bike wins. Long highway run, car wins. Track with alot of turns, car wins
  10. thats in forever from now...bike night at matts house!
  11. this was my final one, cause i filled it with gas and we were shooting the fire..mom wasnt happy
  12. yeah lizard, 999 vs a diablo i think, it all depends on the car and course, cars are capable of higher speeds, and horsepower, and faster go-to-no speeds, they also have like 8 times as much tire touching the pavement
  13. wow, that was retarded, but whats so hard to believe about it? a gt3 can do 194 mph
  14. :cheers brah, keep an eye on the boards, we do alot of riding down here
  15. count me out, i dont ride on days like that, too many drunks out, its not worth it, it can wait a day
  16. if your leading the group, the comments on vimeo/youtube are gonna be along the line of ":wtf: is that guy doing? hes so slow...look! he just got passed by an old lady in a lesabre" or "why is that guys bike so clean, doesnt he ever ride?"
  17. lil knucklehead of dirty ducks mc wtf do i get a lil for?!
  18. damnit, now i feel bad! i thought the new guy couldnt make it....and my camera didnt work. i guess its about time to read the directions
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