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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. nothing beats 10/22 within a few hours, i have never took all of that route, we usually go straight to 22 from 10 in powersville
  2. thats a srad for ya! everyone sees my bike, and they think it weighs 900 pounds, but really, its jus alot of open space that makes it look huge. great bikes
  3. patty told everyone that, im not sure if she misunderstood something, or just trying to pull some fast ones on everyone
  4. +100 on his exhaust, i love it whos srad is that?
  5. pay alot of attention to the wording of the questions, +1 on th skipping thing, let us know how its goes
  6. jermattak


    haha, because your girlfriend trashed first gear
  7. i take it back, i forgot i had plans
  8. i get off at 3:30, you guys should come down here and meet up with me, i need to be home by nineish though, gotta be up at 4am
  9. i told him to star cincy, and he said "bout here?" and pointed about 20 miles south of columbus after about 5 tries, he got it right
  10. yes sir, pretty quick too, weplanned on going to WV, and PA, but patty (sonovabeech) bike broke down, so we had to deal with that, thats why i got the crappy tattoo to make up for the points lost
  11. heck yeah! haha, that is the worst tattoo ever, thanks to SHANE for taking us there! i dont care, it was funny, the tattoo "artist" said after we took pictures of everything in his shop, "whats next on that list, get buttfucked by an amazon!?"
  12. ring daggonnit eber, such a post ninja
  13. i would like to see those, half of them are probably me looking hot and tired from running from the bikes to a sign or whatever in gear, dang it was hot! Had an incredible time, nice meeting everyone, thanks a trillion to Ben and Carrie for letting me and teej crash at their place, ill probably be up there more often, but everyone needs to get here for a rt 10/22 ride! lodge bar manager who put x's on my hands=
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