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Everything posted by jermattak

  1. ill most likely be there tomorrow
  2. i know man, glad you made it alright!
  3. crap! i wish i would have seen this earlier, lets all ride wednesday?
  4. oh, my bad, bw, ill be editing the crap out of this post to add more http://www.addictinggames.com/seaoffire.html
  5. facebook confuses me, i have one, just because everyone in colege had one, and everyone i met would ask me if i had one. havent been on for like a year. alot of people say facebook is better, but i hate how it tells you what everyone is doing. for example, it will say on your homepage "JonS sent jermattak a message,"while your thinking "i really dont give a crap. Thats their business!" i like myspace better
  6. us three cant make it that early, cant tonight either, lemme know next time you go riding during the week, and ill meet up with you and your guys, ill wear my full leather
  7. we can! another nky guy might be coming, lemme know where, and ill tell him to meet there too, we take 471 all the down to alexandria, call me when you see this lamar (cant remember your real name!!! lemme know that too) and tell me where you wanna meet up around 2:30-2:45 in nky, i might not be on here before then, and when everything is cool, post it on here. anyone else who wants to come, call me too, or be at t&K at 2:00, or wherever we plan on meeting in nky 513 288 8313
  8. lets hope so! i have a guy with a pickup truck that owes me a favor:p
  9. updated original post, who knows, it may end up being a fast paced 10/22 ride, when i orignaly made this thread, it ended up being one, no new guys this time, we had an incident with them a few weeks ago. hope to see you there! just lemme know
  10. i was talking about the cruise in, I dont have problems with cruiser people at all, i ride with a few of them, but im sick of going places where im the only guy on a sportbike, and get hassled and weird looks from everyone else. I may go to see the AMA race though
  11. im down for a ride next weekend, btw, i have a new job with day hours, so if anyone wants to ride after 4pm, hit me up
  12. yup, and im going to lay on the hammock
  13. everyone was being crazy, there were a few girls at my house, they were all crying and flipping out, once i got them calmed downand downstairs, me and my buddy went on the porch and played guitar like a couple of hippies. then went downstairs to comfort the ladies i love storms, its weird, i have to see it all.
  14. tell him to get the 98 600, that thing is clean, way nicer than my 2000(same bike) when i bought mine for 2500. SRAD FTW!
  15. i just got a new job where i armor suburbans, and we armor the gas tanks too! im gonna come in early and armor my 3k gt, haha
  16. ive told a million cincy people about this place, but only a few have registered, they all post intros, and dont come back I think me and chris are the only ones in cincy addicted to the internet. anyways 1356! i wanna come up to the party, im gonna try!
  17. thats one gorgeous squid!
  18. thats how i feel as well, im gonna write that in
  19. i recently stopped caring if my bike is shiny
  20. see 29 and 30, "Carie" is a man!
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