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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. 10 is a bit over kill, but I bet I have at least 4 of each. in fact I know i have at least 4 of each, min 2 sets at home, min 2 sets at work, and I've usually got an extra 'junk' set stashed in the lower drawers for unfortunate events of one breaking or becoming lost in the middle of a job. So I'd say I've got at least 6 sets between the two, sockets and wrenches.
  2. Dweezel

    New car

    I friggin love those things!
  3. I don't turn green, but my eyes do, it's pretty intersting, when I'm in a good mood they'll change from hazle to green if you see me and my eyes are green your safe, not in trouble lol
  4. The chick in the green is Tonya, my ex. She's Hawiian.
  5. actually wait, you've been REALLY slacking lately man...
  6. Not to be a downer girl, but it's a wild animal, probably best if you put it back outside
  7. My grandmother is NOT a cougar Kawi.
  8. Grandma, dad in the back ground with the cup talking to the guy in the white shirt, my room mate. and my sister to the left of him, and my grandpa to the left of her. Grandma, me to the left, my dad to the left, his girlfriend to the left, then my sis again, and one of her friends
  9. Dweezel


    From the album: MISC

  10. Dweezel


    From the album: MISC

  11. Dweezel


    From the album: MISC

  12. Hell I play beer pong with my grandmother and she's 86, I could be facebook friends with my mom.
  13. wait... it changed... L.G. FUAD by Motion City Soundtrack.
  14. Not all of you, your a peach! (was looking for just a kiss smiley cant find one) But some of the more public figures... Ehh.
  15. Now, serious question time. What is really so bad about this? I mean unless your all posting up nekkid pix of yourself and all making XXX comments to eachother, really whats the big deal? and if you ARE doing all that, How do you explain to your mother you ignored her friend request
  16. I posted this before, but I think it was lost in the great crash of '08 so your safe lol
  17. yay junkies [\scarcasm] but any how!
  18. Dweezel

    I lawl'd

    Yeah just scroll up I guess. Thatparticular article is t exactly what I was ranting about, just the whole faith AND reason thing.
  19. Dweezel

    I lawl'd

    Okay wow, that's NOT the article I was trying to link to let me see if I can fix that
  20. Dweezel

    I lawl'd

    Found this reading an obviously praisfull article on czar Obamas perfect healthcare plan to save the world, the faith and reason blog. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/religion/index maybe it's just me but I always assumed 'faith' and 'reason' were mutualy exclusive... You have 'faith' because you believe it blindly without reason correct? From Wiki; 'As with "trust", faith involves a concept of future events or outcomes, and is used conversely for a belief "not resting on logical proof or material evidence.' so how is this crap logical?
  21. yeah well, for arguments sake let's say people who come a gene pool llthats not as stagnate as the Motorcompanies. Say at least a GED, probably a diploma and some collage, a full set of teeth per person not per family, and at a min a yearly dental visit.
  22. Very true, they're so concerned with 'The brotherhood' that they don't realize that the up and coming buyers don't want to be Peter Fonda. They want sleek, lightweight and sharp looks. From my experience, you'd be hard pressed to give an HD to anyone under 30
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