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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. WHAT ever! y'all men-folk can SUKKIT. We all know y'all would be miserable without us ladies.

    Men don't suck it, We lick it. And :p <--That, is why I'm famous :cool:

    In other news, Mr. Anderson, you are adorable. if you tighten your game up and stop being so shy, you will get ALL the pannies. You got nuts... let 'em swing.

    Oh I'd def be miserable without the ladies, but seriously though, some guys think a chick is so damn beautiful that no matter what she does he'd put up with it and still love her and all that shit. Not true, No matter how beautiful she is, some guy somewhere is sick of her shit.

    I just turned this thread down the shitter even further than before I think So....


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