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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. Good thing I don't have television at all. What a colossal waste of money that shit is. Nothing like being spoon fed liberal propaganda by the bucket load. That' date=' and the fact that MTV doesn't show music videos anymore. Who the fuck is Flava' Flave and why would I give a fuck who he chooses to be his skank??[/quote']

    whats the Atheist version of 'Amen'?

    Seriously, I've turned my TV on 2x in the last month, both times were on a Saturday night after the female and I rented a movie to watch. Utter, useless crap.

  2. Seriously? I know what the large thing is, but I can't think of the name off of the top of my head, but it puts off a decent amount of heat and I'm sure that little camera wouldn't fair too well all hot glued to the frame of it, and the small yellow thing appears to be a transistor. Also, what the hell is a LCD camera? LCD means Liquid Crystal Display. That last one there is kinda important, Display. I assure you the masses of sheep will see this and be totally sold to it's legitimacy.

    I seriously hope you didn't believe this JRMiii


    it's BS

  3. :welcome:

    Oh shit the busa boys are taking over :eek:

    Actually, even the XX's out number the 13.5's at this point, there's two of you guys, you and Nick :lol: I can name 3 XX's off the top of my head and about 8 'bus drivers :D

    I just wish we could turn :(

    Oh, fellow 'bus driver, :welcome::dj:

  4. What do you think the Civil War was all about? It certainly wasn't about abolishing slavery. It was about the Federal Government interfering with the South's trade agreements with other countries. Texas told Lincoln to cram it and they wanted out. Lincoln wiped his ass with the Constitution and decided war was the way to go.

    quoted for truf

  5. THAT DAMN M109 is so a copy of of the v rod.

    I love how 'The Brotherhood' just assumes that when someone comes out with cruiser (one HELL of a cruiser that HD could never dream of building BTW) it's automatically a copy of something that 'The Motorcompany' builds. There's only so many ways you can shape a cruiser, form follows function. Get the fuck over yourself already. HD is a horrible machine, the Japs are not tryi g to copy them, I assure you.

  6. That's sharp! It's ashame they can't turn, I mean I even wonder why the hell they put steering heads on these things and don't just bolt the forks to the frame. The biggest pain in the ass about owning one of these this be is having to get off and pick the ass end up and swing it around so the bike points in the right direction so I can go straight down the road again :lol:

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