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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. that is a bad ride but I wouldnt say suck it mercedes as they still have cars that will hand this one an ass whoopin, but they cost some $$$

    Recaro seats are badass

    There is always someone faster. and GM has a few cars that will hand those Mercedes their asses (ZR-1) for allot less money.

    I'm just a huge GM fan to begin with, and as someone who can sit back, look at everything and even though I love GM, will sit here and tell you "yes ABC makes a better "X"." And I'll tell you all day pretty much all cars America made in the 80's and early 90's were junk. Vettes included.

    But GM has come so far in the last 10 years with their cars it's amazing. The Vette is a car that will, at a base level, compete with 90% of the super cars out there. The ZO6 will put a beat down on all but 2 or 3, and the ZR-1 that is coming out next year will decimate anything out there, all for only $100k. Which when you consider your $600k+ Enzo will be looking at tail lights, thats one hell of a bargain.

    Caddy makes some world class cars, that enjoy top quality ratings. Motor trend will never tell you that, all they ever do is bitch about interiors, while frankly, Caddy's is well on par with BMW/MB in the same price category.

    You know the entire V line of Caddy's (minus the Escalade) has a 50/50 weight distribution? Caddy has had DOHC V-8's for decades now.

    I could go on for hours why GM makes cars that are as good, or better than anything made overseas that we are going to realistically buy, and some things we won't. but I'm sure it's getting boring already. :)

  2. Well, If you can find me a pure bred Rott puppy at a shelter I'll gladly go pick it up.

    There are alot of breeders out there just to make a quick buck, and they ruin it for the good breeders that are breeding quality dogs.

    Not that I don't love both my dogs, but Hoddi came from quite a strict breeder who knew what he was doing and wouldn't sell to just anyone, Little (on the left in my avatar) came from a breeder who was just after money. It shows. Hoddi is noteably smarter, and from a AKC Standard point of view, she's a perfect Rott. She's also sick alot less, and hasn't had any medical problems, where Little has had some major medical problems, isn't up to the Standard physically, and frankly, isn't the sharpest crayon in the box either...

    I will NEVER buy a dog from a pet store, 95% of the dogs from pet stores are from "puppy mills" shit hole places that do nothing but churn out puppys from any two dogs they can mate, with no care to disease, genetic disorders, or anything. not to mention the conditions they keep the dogs in is atrocious. [edit] I had to edit this because there are quite a few pet stores out there now that ONLY sell/deal with rescued/shelter dogs, and again if your not looking for a pure bred, this IS the best way to go about getting a dog[/edit]

    If your not looking for a pure bred dog, a shelter/rescue IS hands down the best place to get a dog. There is just something about a rescued dog, they seem to know you saved their asses, and are more loyal, gratefull, and (with the exception of Hoddi, Dog on right in my avatar) the best dogs I've ever had.

  3. here's the ULITMATE in vacuum...

    3 Rotor Hibon positive displacement vacuum pump capable of pulling over 28"Hg (thats mercury, 30"Hg is outer space, absolute vacuum.) and with models ranging from 2500-6500CFM (8902 model, not listed, but we use it here at work, sick SICK piece of equipment :D ) Guaranteed to suck the dirt, carpet, and flooring off of your... uh.. floor?

    Only run you about $10k for the vacuum, then another $20k for the 400hp Diesel to power it :D


    Here's my company's web page. We use Hibon Vacuum pumps, put your Dyson to shame :lol:


  4. how is that boring the thing sounds like a freakin jet! :D It's basically a commercial anyways.

    Nope, never heard of it? is it a race? I heard of a Street Freaks race down around that way, and a King of the Street Race, We've got a couple of guys that go down for it, ones an 87 GN thats going mid 8's :D

  5. .22 at close range, silenced. bounces around inside the skull, doing lots of damage, fragments the bullet makes it damn near impossible to get a ID off of. .40 cal just makes a mess.

  6. I doubt I'd ever buy anything from Honda Northwest. Mainly because I'm not a huge Honda fan, and I live like 3 hrs from the place :D

    10 bucks to take out 2 bolts? it's 10 bucks. I spend more than that at the bar, and I'm willing to bet you do to. Or do you expect to drink for free too? brakes save your life, any money spent on them is money well spent.

    I just can't believe someone is making this big of a deal over 10 lousy dollars. not to mention the gas money to drive to the place, since it's obviously farther, then go back to the place that did it for free, If you've bought a few new bikes off of me, and I remembered you from it, yeah I probably would have done it for free, but if a joe nobody walks in wanting 2 bolts out, I think 10 bucks is more than fair.

    Not to mention who's to say if it did indeed take them 2 min they wouldn't have said "don't worry about it, get the hell out of here" when they were done anyways? I know loads of people in the car biz up here, and NEVER have I expected anything for free, even off of people I've known for ever, I wouldn't even expect something free from a fellow Knight. But there have been hundreds of times when I'm told it will be 10 dollars, or whatever and I walk out of the place with it at no charge. Happens to me alot a junkyards.

    Don't ever expect anything for free, and you just may get it.

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