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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. Here's a picture of her at attention Dweezel. Though it looks like I'm humping her...:lol:


    Dude, Quit humping the dog :slap:

    Looks like she got mostly chow bloodline, One of my dogs is fat, the far one in my avatar, the other is ROCK solid. pretty interesting seeing as how they get exactly the same everything, food, amount of food, exercise, EVERYTHING, their from different litters, different parents too, so there is def some genetic variance to size.

    I've been over 200lbs since I was a sophomore, I'm not fat, but I'm no work out nut by any means, and have been in better shape especially right out of HS, but I've been 6'2", 245 since I've graduated, it's just moved around a little since then :lol: I've been getting concerned, so last month I started doing push-ups/crunches several days a week, and I dusted off the treadmill last week, and got it all setup going to start running again, probably today, make it a MWF thing. :cheers:

  2. No disagreement here...With it that early not sure if the the driver in teh crown vic would have been able to see them in time even with headlights to stop.

    Seriously, especially with that cloud of smoke, and at almost 4 in the morning, guy probably thought it was fog

  3. think about this...

    1) People are standing in the middle of freeway

    2) They are standing behind a cloud of smoke from a burnout by the racers

    3) They are facing the opposite way, with their backs towards oncoming traffic


    Regardless if the cars lights were on, off, blinking, or it was on fire. They were standing in the middle of a freeway, now their surprised that they got hit by a car. :wtf:

    Their making up BS to cover their asses, that car could have been covered in yellow strobes and they wouldn't have seen it.

    Now your trying to tell me there is a car hurling down a dark desolate freeway at 345 in the morning with no headlights on?

    Whats more believeable, car hurling down road at 55+ mph with no headlights.


    Idiots standing in road behind smoke, facing away from oncoming traffic didn't notice quiet, smooth riding granny-mobile coming at them?

    I suppose the tractor trailer that was involved also didn't have it's headlights on either?

  4. :lol: :lol: Some how I don't feel so bad for them... Call it Darwinism, if your stupid enough to stand in the middle of a freeway, fate has an odd way of sending cars screaming down said freeways at speeds of 65+ mph. Some say Tragedy, I say SCORE!

    I do however, feel horrible for the innocent people in the oncoming car who died and had nothing to do with the racing, other than using the freeway for its intended purpose.

  5. nice, I rented a garage a few years back and the guy next door had a towing/recovery biz, he had something like that that would tow 3 or 4 bikes on the back of his tow truck. thats pretty neat though. saves allot of trailer weight for what ever is pulling.

  6. No, I'm gonna take that project up this summer. going to draw up a tank in auto cad in the next few weeks and get a quote on having it laser cut. I can weld it together at work. Filters and shit can be sourced from home depot or Lowe's, whatever you like. fuel line switch is available at pep boys for like 50 bucks, any truck with dual tanks has it. the hardest part is going to be settling and filtering the used veggie oil.

    There's a stupid amount of info online about it, it seems pretty easy and straight forward to do. Plus if all you've got is 60 dollars worth of filters into 110 gallons of fuel, 55 cents a gallon for fuel isn't too shabby

  7. :lol: yeah, thats nice BornSinner :D My girlfriend has 3 kids, is 5'3 and 106 lbs LOL Think I'm gonna keep her, knowing she's gonna turn out the same before and after :D I know I'm a shallow asshole, but I don't loose any sleep over it!
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