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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. Nice, thanks for the grammer lesson. Ya know one of my friends is a teacher and she is ALWAYS getting on my ass for using 'their' 'there' and they're' improperly.

    what's The matter? run out ov other trivial shit to try and be a comedian about uv'e got to pick on my incorrect use of 'there'

    Frankly I don't give a shit. Like I said, your insignificant. You mean less than nothing to me. Honestly thinking that your going to hurt my feelings, or do anything to make me give a shit about you, is absurd. I drop my bike. I've dropped it before, I'll drop it again. Only thing that bothers me about it is I broke my collar bone and can't ride.

    But if it helps your poor ego get by, then knock yourself out. Glad I'm important enough for you to bring back a thread that has been dormant for a month.

  2. Dude, you don't want to drop your bike for the 4th time, but this time in AFRICA. I'd forget you ever heard of this if I was you, that'd be the best thing to do.:nono:

    :bow: Ladies and Gentlemen Nicky Hayden has graced us with his presence, and His user name is Kawifan :bow: ...wait... even Nicky has gone down. Never mind Kawifan must be GOD!!! :eek:

    Meanwhile, I'll try to give a shit, but you pathetic little existence means less than nothing to me. Sorry, but your mildly entertaining, so I guess keep it up :rolleyes: What ever your precious little ego needs to keep it alive. Help yourself.

  3. :wtf: Wow... Your amazing. Seriously. I so look forward to seeing the dumb in people and you obviously wear it on you sleeve with no regrets huh?

    I'm a Trapper. Dweezel = Trapper. Yes thats my legal name. I like it. It's unique, like me. I have "M*A*S*H", My parents, and Pot to thank for it :D I'm greatfull for all 3.

    Thats my bike. If you don't like it, fine. Don't. Won't hurt my feelings any. I've got no reason to justify anything to anyone. Least of all some Internet Butt Muppet who's already more than proven there lack of functioning synapses.

  4. because quite frankly, Americans can't drive. Drivers Ed is a joke, and there's to many idiots out there trying to text msg, or talk on the damn phone, eat breakfast/dinner, shave, Hell, I've seen people actually reading the newspaper going down the freeway at 80mph! What ever happened to DRIVING people?!

  5. The kawi looks like a buell and the CBR looks like a v-rod knock off w that exhaust. Why wont Hardley build a sport bike?... cause some one took all of the ideas... P.S. Nice to be back...

    CBR hardly looks like a V-rot knock off, it's way to modern and actually has a racing heritage, not to mention it's about half the weight and chock full of technology that those hill billys in Milwaukee probably still believe is some sort of black magic.

    I doubt it's not that Hardley WON'T build a sport bike, I think it's that there intellectually unable, we put our forks on upside down, liquid cool our motors, solid mount them as stressed members of the frame, and make them out of that thar' fancy shiny alum-ah-numb, and exotic metals they can't pronounce.

    Shit, they had to go to Porsche to design the V-Rot motor, While the Japs are making there motors PART of the integral rigidity of the frame, HD, only in the last few years, figured out how to rubber mount that paint shaker they call an engine.

    HD is dead once the RUBs need the space in the garage for some new fancy trend, all the HD's will be sold and they'll go under since noone else will be buying them, god knows the hillbillys that worship them can't afford there over priced pile of dung.

    I'll be glad when they do, they're and embarrassment to my country, THATS the best and fastest that America can muster? the country that makes the Viper, ZO6, and the finest fighter jets in the world, and an overweight pig of a motorized sofa is the best we can muster up to label, sadly, a "motorcycle"? Sad, truly sad.

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