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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. :lol::lol::lol: Did anyone see the bass boat we passed? looked very familar to a certain someones bike :p

    hehe I TOLD you! I was seriously kinda worried riding that close to the river that the fish would jump out and slam into my bike! :p Makes me nervous riding close to large bodies of water. I think the guy i bought it off of still has fishing pole holders for it somewhere I've got to get off of him... Too bad I don't fish :(

  2. R u sure that you couldn't see what's 300 feet in front of you? I couldn't see because the reflections of those glitters!! LOLOL:rolleyes:

    heh, yeah the bikes paint is my "Secret Weapon" :tongue: if I see someone getting Close i just lean into the sun a little and VIOLA there either blind, or mesmerized by the colors :D

  3. heh, ride was awesome! GSXR Girl went down but nothing major, just a bruised ego :D nothing a drink or two couldn't fix I'm sure :drink:

    who ever planed that route needs a cookie! it was awesome, but being my first time I was really nervous and kinda timid, nice twisties but ALOT of up and down and blind curves. I'll have to organize a nice run up near Youngstown, we've got some great twisties but without all the hills (I guess it'd be a diet version?). I'm sure if you know the route it's a blast but not being able to see whats 300ft in front of you when your going 85-90mph is kinda scary, well at least to me :eek:


  4. Hey, I DEFINITELY will be there, I'm leaving for Columbus friday about 430, and i'll be there till monday specifically for the ride :D I do need at least one persons contact info so i can find out when and where we're meeting. I'm totally lost when I get into Columbus, but i'm great with directions.

    I'm also bringing my ChatterBox, does anyone else have one, or should i just forget it?



  5. Okay, BACK to the ride, How many people have ChatterBoxes?

    and GSXR frames crack along with alot of other sport bike frames because unlike harleys and buells, they can lift the front wheel off the ground and sudden slamming them back down stresses the frames where they were not designed to be stressed. I'd LOVE to see a Harley or Buell frame after 100 or so wheelies, assuming they could do it in the first place

  6. Nah, I'm in Youngstown, about 2 hrs from Columbus. I'm coming down next weekend to meet up with some friends and watch the game, figured i'd stay and extra day or two and go out on the ride with everyone. Wish I was though.

  7. I've been rideing for 30 years, the only time I have worn a helmet is when I rode moto-x. I ride a harley it is not made for speed or stunts,
    You can sure say that again :rolleyes:
    just for cruising. I beleave if you ride a bike that is made to go fast and to do dumb ass stunts and you don't wear a helmet, that is on you. Nobody has the right to tell me that I have to or should wear a helmet.:thefinger:

    Typical Harley mentality, and spelling skills, just because your on a 700lb tank doesn't mean you are any less likely to get smashed by a unobservant motorist, or for that matter hit, or hit by a deer. God knows those things aren't know for there incredible stopping performance. Falling off a bike is falling off a bike. no matter what type, brand, color, or size it is. it all hurts and Road Rash sucks no matter how you slice it!

    BUT it is your right NOT to wear a helmet, BUT when you fall and your Grey Matter is thrown all over the road, dont get that shit all over my bike! it's ugly and crunchy but thats something i don't want on all over it. :slap:

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