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Posts posted by Dweezel

  1. I totally agree with you ninja. Dogs take way too much effort. I'll take a cat over a dog any day.

    you BOTH suck. if your dog is yapping, you've got a cat, real dogs weigh more than 60lbs and never fit in your purse. sorry but i hate small dogs give me a rott or nothin. I've got two of them, they NEVER bark unless something is going on, like someone on the lawn, in the drive etc. cats don't do that. and if someone broke into the house, cats are gonna run, my dogs would fight to the death to protect me. period. also dogs listen, cats don't. yeah dogs need let out but it's not that often, and mine sit by the door and will wait till your ready to let them out patiently. there like children, you need to spend time with them and teach them, but in the end the rewards are so much greater than any cat. :D

  2. oh hell yes. WTF does one person need a 350 million dollar bonus for? seriously? there's people starving to death every day in this country and were giving dumbass CEO's hundreds of millions of dollars, just as a bonus.

  3. Hey, if anyone has any plastic for an 03 GSX-R I'm in need. only thing i have thats good is the left faring. I'm looking for right faring, tail and nose plastics, and both ram air tubes.

    I apologize but yes, I'm going to paint the bike :(


  4. Cool.....my arch-rival in curveball is a softball coach. No wander it meant so much to you..lol ;)

    Hey...where in the world is Pataskala, OHIO?? I'd love to be there if it wasn't probably 3 hours away!

    eh you wuss, two of my friends and I made the ride for the run on the 2nd! hell I'll be there for sure, gives me another excuse to come to Columbus :D i think that town is addicting every time I go I hate to leave :tongue:

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