yeah i am on the fence on this, i realize the quality and such, but still hate that they are so expensive. I think my wrenching for work days are done and might just build a permanent workbench with nice roller drawers someplace
Ya know, why wouldn't you roll it up instead of creasing it, even though is sucks to damage that, it will probably raise the price a couple of million since now it has that much more history and fame to it.
Chris wouldn't that be another reason to not keep him around. I mean if he pulls someone over who really is breaking the law and that gives them the chance to get away with it because of his history makes him kind of a liability to what he is trying to do.
anyone have the picture of rigsby where he looks dead as fuck passed out at his old place outside on the ground right by the foundation of the house
that pic is epic passed out
god I sold my car in march and it sucks bad not having one. I really have become more irritable since not having it. Having a bad day getting in your car and not even going fast just letting the motor drone on until that is all you are thinking about and nothing else matters. Having beaters is fine when you have something cool at home, but just having beaters is depressing
thats cool seriously just put in your will that we can't mourn and have cruises in your honor if you choose to do something wreckless or because it inconveniences you
hey i went and watched some old joe cartoons and they sucked, the dialogue was horrible, and the animation was really old looking and bad
i liked the cartoon when i was little and i liked the movie because they weren't different from each other. Hey guys the time travelers girlfriend comes out this weekend it should have a good storyline and be very realistic
someone find out who the chick was off brice in the 80's monte carlo doing burnouts then got pissed when the cops closed off the parking lot exit and did like a super u turn when all the dudes had to do 81 point turns to turn around
i am in love
correct me if I am wrong, but 1 moa at 1500 meters is roughly 15"
so is that a 30" circle at 1500 yard/meters or whatever or is it a 15" cirlcle at that range?
Dad got called up for jury duty and told them that he was the owner of his own company and couldn't miss work a few months ago and they didn't let him out of it, I thought of all things that would get you out. He never was called in though
god they messed that show up big time with their stupid ass story line. sometimes I couldn't even manage to get to the fight scenes
anyone watch all of them? Did the story ever resolve itself
cliffs of the whole show?
Dang Greg I forgot all about this. I'll have to pass for now as I would have to build another rifle to use that scope
Any aimpoints just to compare to that eotech