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Posts posted by twowheelsnake

  1. How do you know that? Were you in the engineering room when those japanese bastards were plotting their diabolical scheme to kill all of us with their newest weapon.. the crotch rocket?

    Ahhhhhhhh genius! Those stupid Americans with their "bigger is better" attitude! We send over 1000cc superbikes and we let their egos kill them

  2. If you need a gun to bond with your daughter, I fear there is something seriously wrong with your family dynamic. You could bond with your daughter other ways, read together, play ladder ball... it's not the only tool for the job, even if it excites you the most. Could you scare birds other ways? sure you could...

    What activity a man uses to bond with his daughter is not for you to judge. It is YOUR opinion, just like your views on guns. My father taught me to shoot at an early age, I remember those times fondly. Never once do I say "golly gee, I sure wish we were tossing the ole pigskin around instead". To this day my father and I go shooting together, usually for competition. Not once do I look at him and say "sure would like to use this thing to blow someone's head off dad". That's ridiculous.

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  3. In our ADD culture, we get bored with stuff too fast to worry about that. Most people want a new phone within a year or two.

    True, but there a a bunch of android phones that don't make it through your 2 year contract before it won't run the newest version of the OS.

  4. iPhone! The droid hardware market is too fragmented to be supported by a single OS. You might find yourself in a situation where your brand new phone won't run the brand new phone OS. Apple has already announced that their next generation iOS will support phones back to the 3GS. Android doesn't give you that lifespan.

  5. I don't think that leg is broke. Look at it in the pictures as he is getting up...a few before 27. As for the cause of the accident I think the first two bikes were traveling in the same direction and got together, maybe one was passing and the other didn't know and came over on him.

    Oh yeah it's broke! If you look at the pics he never actually puts weight on his leg. Only as far as is knee. And when he is on his knee his foot is twisted at an unlikely angle. Mos def broken leg.

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