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Posts posted by twowheelsnake

  1. Well Exarch I still find it very hard to believe that you support "anything goes" street racing which could affect the safety of your family yet you're so damn defensive about people dragging your family into a thread as an example. Pick a side, you can't have it both ways man. If you believe anything goes on one side, it has to be anything goes on the other.

  2. The big deal is they make places to do this and it's not through a residential neighborhood. I would do the same thing and call the cops, take video, get license plates etc etc. it's all fun and games until one of these assholes kills your loved one by doing an illegal race on the street. I just don't get some people's mode of thinking that this is "not a big deal".

  3. My parents have a blind, deaf and diabetic cat. We can't place when exactly they got it but it's sometime before 1997. It can no longer get up on the couch and it's back legs don't bend at the knees. I wish they would just put him down because I hate to see him like that.

  4. While I enjoyed the discussion about hydroplaning, contour of tires, contact patches and the time-space continuum...can't we just agree that he was a douche for riding his bike in excess of 190mph in the rain on a public road and might have deserved 14 tickets? :)

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