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Posts posted by twowheelsnake

  1. Yeah, I stopped taking this post seriously when I read the words "Fox News". Jesus people! Look outside that "news" station for your information. It's nothing but a propaganda channel...period. Hitler used these methods to gain and keep power and we know that. Yet we've all been to history class and continue to believe the dribble e see on corporate owned networks. Wake up everyone!

  2. Everyone keeps bringing up the size of the droid screen. It's getting ridiculous that their only selling point is a big screen. I like my iPhone because it's "phone sized". If I wanted something to read books on or watch movies I'll bring my iPad thank you. I don't want to be asked "is that a droid in your pocket or are you happy to see me?" :rolleyes:

  3. iPhone...period. The problem with the droid phones is the same problem you have with the PC world. Many different manufacturers making many different phones for one operating system. The issue there is that in a short period of time you have a great risk that your phone will not run the latest droid OS. It's a fact, look it up for yourself.

    The iPhone is a solid phone with a solid OS. Make the switch and never look back.

  4. Very true serpent, but the scenario presented to us left nowhere for the bike to go. Rural roads and little traffic doesn't leave you with a lot of choices for duck and cover. The guy that ran from the truck even took a huge risk. The guy that ran from the STI was just stupid IMHO. I don't care what you think of your skills on a bike, there's just too many variables on public roads to be trying to outrun a sports car.

  5. The thing about outrunning someone on a bike is that if you screw up you're probably gonna die. Gotta weigh the odds.

    Exactly my point. I'll outrun your run of the mill ford focus without even thinking about it. But dealing with an angry guy that is driving a car with a faster 0-60 than a Porsche 911, well that becomes a test of who has the bigger balls. And I'll tell ya, on a public road my balls are small :D

  6. It looks like Eaton is about half way between the two. Can't compare the two as I've never been to Haspin but hope to make it there and to Red Bird some time this summer.;)

    Uhhhhhhh what's in Eaton? I live there and I don't know of an off road park. Would love to know if there is, I've got a cannondale cannibal that needs a workout.

  7. he didn't keep pace with that guy in the front at all. hell by time he showed up at the end of the road the other dude was already sitting there for a few. he could probably easily keep up with a unskilled rider though. so you're point is very valid.

    though aimed at the wrong crowd. the people that shouldn't be getting upset and trying to run down a motorcycle is the car/truck drivers.

    but the guy in the first video you posted deserved to be chased down.

    Yup yup

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