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Everything posted by nochknstrps

  1. If you're trying to say that I have asked for the boards advice you're dead wrong. Hey shitty check this out http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=25334
  2. I was told that McLovin was long gone when this all happened.
  3. Bro! you're on the internet right now right? last I checked but you can pretty much find anything you're looking for with the click of a mouse. http://www.motorcycle.com/shoot-outs/2008-supersport-shootout-cbr600rr-vs-daytona-675-vs-zx6r-vs-r6-vs-gsxr600-82371.html
  4. exactly its just like buying a sofa...
  5. Here we go again... you just opened the flood gates my friend.
  6. not too sure. Something about him looking into his mirror to make sure he was looking good. Leason learned? Never take your eyes off the road.
  7. thats shitty's wrecked r1, mclovin in the icon gear and casper in the blk, red, white gear. at the gap last fall.
  8. Damn the text isn't clear. Stay tuned for a better version.
  9. What? At least I wrecked my own bike and it was cause of equipment failure. Not some lame excuse of "uh... I lost the front end." And you were cited. EPIC FAIL Ron Epic Fail indeed.
  10. I tried, but ross fails again. Then again he is from coshocton.
  11. If by cats you mean... You know where this is going
  12. No it would get head turns if we, guys, wore them. You on the other hand... I dont even know.
  13. if we put one of those on there Mj are you going to wear one?
  14. James read that blog attached to that nasty picture I posted, see if that case sounds anything like yours.
  15. So what if you've been on a bike for the past 14 years. Sounds like you have been riding improperly the entire time if you haven't gained any confidence in the front. Your tech. is lacking. Go take the MSF or something cause you need to learn to use the front brake properly.
  16. I got one better. I searched "buckeye guy" on google images and got this... read the story it is foul http://ohiosurgery.blogspot.com/2007/12/decubes.html
  17. I was looking for a clip of the old cult movie "the warriors" to educate Ron Burgundy and came across this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NimgvwDO2CI Never heard the bubble gum version of that line I like the line "I only came here to do two things, kick some ass and drink some beer. Looks like we're almost outta beer." Dazed and Confused
  18. Its an old cult movie from the 70s... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u05Qot_yh9c
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