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Everything posted by nochknstrps

  1. BUMP!!! Thought the bike was sold but the buyer flaked... good clean bike give Mike a call.
  2. Yeah weekend bump for a half way decent guy, and a half way decent bike... I only say half way decent bike because ron rides like a pussay and it still needs to be broken in properly. Yes even after 10k miles, the tac hasn't seen anything above 2,500 rps.
  3. Ross remember what I said? Think that applies to Mj?
  4. You too Dave STFU and go ride your r6 now that its fixed instead of post whoring.
  5. I heard something on the radio about bw3's, ASK and C&A HD starting one on the westside. Something you Groovetuckians might want to look into.
  6. Wrillo..STFU, were you there? NO! stop with the assumptions and shut the fuck up.
  7. Its KFC Ask yourself when have you seen a grill in a kfc?
  8. This one 600 I wouldn't turn down. Moriwaki Dream 600 GP2 bike I know the little 250 guys carry a lot of corner speed but damn, there is little to no excitment during those races. Can't wait to watch them mix it up on a few of these machines.
  9. Did you pick that up from one of the inmates you work with?
  10. Yeah Happy Birthday! hope someone gets you a new front tire
  11. This thread is worthless without sound!!! def. unique
  12. Nope she is off of someones myspace page, but I'm sure you could find her on google too. (figured i would post a comment on your wall so you didn't have to find any of my post to see her ;))

  13. Well its about time Crane!!! to bad you have to leave your lush pad in florida.
  14. Hey fucker... looks like you guys are about to get some rain.

  15. I'm in florida right now, i'll be back sometime in the near future. I'll be sure to come out there when i get back.

  16. ic well keep us posted

  17. have any photo shoots lately

  18. Yeah like Isaac Papa said, pay no attention to the naysayers. Especially the tall awkward guy, he is still trying to find his place among us.
  19. WTF? I didn't even notice that. Whats with people digging up old threads?
  20. Usually depends on what part of the world you're in... so I thought So this is how they get people to watch the news
  21. I'm trying to find a video about riding at deals gap made by a guy wearing a black helmet the entire video to conceal his identity. I think he may be a LEO. He warns you about the semi trucks and all the poice officers, its kinda old but if you know I'm talking about and where I can find it let me know. thanks
  22. www.hardracing.com ebay- if you don't want to spend alot of money on them or wera board. Just match the plastics to your bike year,make,model.
  23. Yes a sled, your XX, busas, zx14s are all considered to be sleds because they aren't as nibble as the leaner sportbikes. Just ask ninjanick, he catches shit all the time, but he is also one of the few that actually knows how to throw one of those beast around. Why are you trying to argue advatages now? What advantage do any of us have riding a 2motorcycle or 3 wheeled vehicle compared to a 4+ wheeled vehicle. Ultimately none cause in the end when it comes down to a collision with one we are fucked.
  24. You know what Maggie you're an Idiot. Those are all cars. If they wanted a car they would have bought one. Its the way the choose to experience the road, same reason why you choose to ride a sled. Next time you see one if you get the chance talk to them, find out why. I'll bet you could relate to something they say. But I'd put my money on that the some of those trike owners already have a roadster for their daily driver.
  25. WTF? well, this is coming from a guy who rocks a Icon's version a hello kitty helmet.
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