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Everything posted by nochknstrps

  1. Hocking is a real hike its fun if you have all day to get somewhere and ride, coshocton is fun should only take about an hour to get there from your side of town. If you just want a quick fun ride, head out around hoover or alum, you could also make a loop around 33 and 315. I guess it all depends on how much time you want to spend getting to a good place to ride.
  2. this has been a pubilic service annoucnement. paid for in part by aow, concerned member of ohio-riders.net
  3. Dirtbeard of the Booze Junkies MC, do not fuck with us.
  4. May not be funny to some of you but I was LAMO. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f10ZsAaxBlc
  5. OH girl scouts singing kum by ya... I get it. I was wondering what you were doing in a circle jerk.
  6. Sorry Mj didn't mean to get personal... Man its getting really hard not get personal around here, you try to strecth things as far as you can but there is always that one person thats been there done that.
  7. thats for all you mother fuckers in the circle jerk singing Kum by ya at your lets just be friends party. I keed I keed
  8. Never take shitty seriously. couldn't have put it any better myself ron.
  9. wheres the smiley shaking in Its boots? I guess this will do
  10. Nice try. I said original. Want me to define it for you? Thought you were sopposed to be smart.
  11. Hey Casper get back at me when you can come up with something a bit more original, something you can't find on the internet.
  12. I wouldn't know about that, you'll have to ask shitty. I'm just up to my usual but Sam isn't falling for it.
  13. Well just put it down and step away.
  14. lol Look who it is... the almighty butt buddies Mclovin and Shitty. I take mclovin is resting his laptop on your back shitty, so you both can be on OR at the same time while he is pounding you in the ass. good thinking mclovin, I wonder if my gf will let me try that.
  15. Thats prob. a better idea. We all know how you busa riders are when you get together.
  16. No there's your lie.
  17. Sure sure. Its your lie, you tell it however you want to.
  18. thats funny a few weeks ago alot of you fockers, including you casper, claimed you didn't even know who Chris Brown was. Now you're able to make the connection between that head line and the ad next to it.... I call bullshit!
  19. Like I said falcons don't flock together... unless you're watching a Hitchcock movie.
  20. Tease?... So everytime I see about 5 busas at bike night I should get excited and expect to see hundreds later. Sam explain the falcon. Why is it so sig nif i cunt to your rally of stampeding busas? Falcons don't flock together so I don't think you could associate them with the action of stampeding. The Bison yes, the Falcon no.
  21. Maybe you should be state farms new spokesman, riding a 12oclock wheelie telling people how they can save a ton of money by switching to state farm.
  22. Why don't yal just come down to the dayton/cincy area set up your bait on the side of 75 or 675 and just wait. I pass at least 3 fresh roadkills every morning going to work. The lil bastards are everywhere. You know if we had wild wolves running around we wouldn't have such a huge population of coyotes running around.
  23. Too many good ones to qoute, the starbucks one was pretty good. I just keeps getting better good thing I have nothing to do today, I can read all 7 pages.
  24. Stampede... Busa owners rally. I saw 5 bikes in the whole video. What kind of mickey mouse biker rally is this?
  25. "Wow, now that's what you call a hot pocket !!!"
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