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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Damn right... If I can move the nighthawk for $500, I'd pick this up without hesitation.
  2. Even IF that's what was said, I think showing his hands is still a pretty reasonable request, given the alternative. I may know one of the officers involved. Hard to tell from the low quality video. Anyone else think its funny that scumbags always seem to be driving beat up Chevy trucks? ;-)
  3. how many ninja 250's normally show up for motoseries rounds? And is there an ultralight class for endurance?
  4. I'm sure Ben appreciates those of you jumping to protect the site from spammers, but let's not get in the habit of jumping down people's throats from their first post. I think this sort of first post is entirely appropriate for a dealership. The content of subsequent posts will determine whether or not they should be a sponsor, or remain as just a member. /$.02
  5. it's true - you can attempt to sue for anything ...but that doesn't mean that your lawsuit won't be thrown out virtually immediately. Where else are the courts getting involved? Give me an example of where you think courts are over-stepping their bounds. From what I have seen, I agree with your assertion that people are sue-happy when their feelings get hurt, but I do not agree that the courts side with those people and award damages. On the contrary, I see courts dismissing such complaints and chastising the attorneys who file them for wasting the court's time with cases they know have no chance of succeeding.
  6. You're completely missing the point. I can insult my boss's mother, and that is 100% good and legal. But you're claiming I shouldn't be fired, because it's my right to insult his mother, and he should respect that? I completely disagree. I do have the right to say (nearly) anything I want to my boss, but I also expect him to react to what I say. At the very least, that would be reprimand, if not dismissal, and/or a punch in the nose. I spoke. He spoke back when he fired me. We've both exercised our first amendment right, but you're not acknowledging his right to respond.
  7. I've seen this thing used at plenty of OMRL events. I believe it was even towed by a Hyundai Sonata once, so yeah, it's light!
  8. Unless that lawsuit comes from the government, that's not a freedom of speech issue. Free speech is not consequence-free speech. You're describing a social problem where people think that a lawsuit is appropriate every time their feelings are hurt.
  9. This has been driving me insane on facebook. I may have even said it earlier in this thread: The only portion of the constitution that says anything other than "the government shall not ________" is the 13th amendment which prohibits any individual from owning slaves. Other than that, there are no Constitutional protections from private citizens or business entities.
  10. redkow97

    Honda Grom

    I love it. I want it. Trade me for a '91 nighthawk 750?
  11. redkow97

    Honda Grom

    this thread may not be the best place, but I want to hear more about that '73 Suzuki than the Grom
  12. "reality" TV is only "real" in the sense that it isn't imaginary. People act differently when they know they're being watched. Everyone. You don't pick your nose in a crowded waiting room without expecting someone to see you, if not react. By the same token, you don't spout off political comments in front of a camera without knowing that those comments are going to be heard by people who are inclined to disagree. Only when people are unaware (or forget) that they're in front of an audience do you get to see their true nature. Hidden cameras are the only real reality TV.
  13. that's part of what I was implying. For the $550 fee, you can ride for 2 days on most other tracks, with a considerable amount of your expenses included in that amount. A weekend at Road America would be a good example. There's no denying that COTA is on a different level than anything else in the US, with the possible exceptions of Miller, and Laguna Seca (arguments for others), but I would ride other tracks that are closer and cheaper first... Barber, to name one.
  14. at the risk of shamelessly promoting my wife's employer, this is the kind of story that shuts people up when they laugh at pet insurance. The decision should always be about what's best for the animal, not about how much it's going to cost. www.embracepetinsurance.com If your dog had the same financial means and mental capacity that you do, wouldn't he insure you?
  15. My take on the electric race bikes is no different than F1's relevance to car development. No one would drive an F1 car to work, but that is where (and why) the technology is developed. F1 cars were using hybrid drivetrains effectively before the Prius was introduced. While the bike shown is built to push the limits, I have to believe that they could build one that is slower, cheaper, and has a better range. The figures quoted were 160hp and 140 highway miles. If they de-tuned (or rather, electronically limited) it to 60hp, could they get more like 200 miles on a single charge? For commuting purposes, 60hp is plenty. And that highlights a potential advantage to an electric drivetrain: complete programmability of the power curve. You could easily have multiple power-delivery settings. One for economy (i.e. it artificially limits your ability to accelerate), and one for "full power." Would any of us choose to engage the economy mode until we were below half charge and concerned about making it home? ...probably not. But there are people who would use it - just not many of us. The race bikes make electric motorcycles sexy and exciting, but commuter models will be what makes them commercially viable. The BMW scooter is a good example of what a practical electric vehicle looks like. I'd buy stock in whichever company looks like it's going to sell the most electric bikes, not the company who has the fastest one...
  16. hahahaha - no one can afford college anymore. Maybe community college. The government loans allow people to finance a degree, but I'm a freakin' attorney and I can't really afford college! Making more money actually means you qualify for less loan money.
  17. When I was working at Giant Eagle, our "night manager" (meaning he supervised the guys who stocked shelves and unloaded trucks) was promoted to manager of another store. I was promoted from bagger/cart wrangler to cashier. They asked me to cover shifts in produce, floral, and the bakery, and I would ring-up items when those departments were not staffed (closed at 9 back then, but the store was open until 11) Additionally, two of our department managers were college students who had no intention of staying there when they completed their degrees. My point is that there was definitely room to move up within that store, or move to a sister-store, or go to a competitor. This notion that you have to "wait for someone to retire or quit" is just more assuming that a job should come to you, rather than you finding a better job. I've never gotten a promotion I didn't ask for. How many minimum wage-workers are able to ask for a promotion (or a raise) and keep a straight face?
  18. Really? Were you born straight? Humans are born without sexual impulses. We develope the ability and hormonal urge to have sex at puberty. But what we find sexually arousing is almost 100% learned behavior. The majority of us learn to be aroused by what society tells us is attractive and "normal." Other people develop attractions to other traits, be they for people who are heavier, skinnier, paler, darker, shorter, or their same gender. "Non-traditional" sexual attractions doesn't have to mean "improper." I have no way of knowing and truly don't care what gets anyone else's dick hard. If they like feet, go for it. If they like dudes, go for it. If they like dudes' feet - have a fucking party. I really don't even care if people are sexually attracted to animals or children ...just keep your thoughts as thoughts and don't be touching anything living that can't properly consent to being humped.
  19. It's a cool track, and definitely a world-class facility, but I'm not sure I wouldn't spend the same money elsewhere.
  20. This is in no way whatsoever a free speech issue. The constitution only applies to the government. A&E can restrict whatever speech they want on their network. The only portion of the constitution that serves to restrict private citizens is the clause abolishing slavery. Otherwise, the constitution states what the government cannot do to or impose upon the American people, not what citizens (or corporations) can do to each other.
  21. Tonik, I still think you can start as a minimum wage cashier and work your way up to produce manager or beyond at a grocery store. The problem isn't (only) a lack of jobs, it's that people expect to start off as produce manager without working their way up. How many of us (or our parents) started working in their current position? My dad worked at a department store when I was born.
  22. I think the major disconnect is that some people think "minimum wage" and "livable wage" should be one in the same. I think wages should be "fair" for the job being performed, and that the competition for a given job influences that. A lot.
  23. I agree that everyone needs those things, but I do not agree that everyone on public assistance or even everyone making minimum wage makes those things their first priority. I encounter a LOT of lower income individuals in the course of my job. While Mom usually works as a cashier or a server at IHOP, the kid may be fined or assessed costs separately. Mom literally said "we missed the first court date because I couldn't afford gas to get here, and we missed the bus." I believe her. What I find infuriating is that the kid (when he finally did show up for a later hearing) told the Magistrate that he couldn't pay a fine, because he has two phones. "I had the GS3, but when the new iPhone came out, I wanted that, so I have 2 phone bills that are about $175/month total." There's a lot of that kind of shit. Kids whose parents claim they can't afford to feed them report that their neighbor stole their X-Box - because you can't afford food, but Call of Duty is a necessity. I'm not saying that everyone abuses the system, but those who do don't even realize it half the time. Their priorities are all out of whack. It's like the line from "white men can't jump" where Woody tells Wesley he's so busy trying to look like he's winning, that he doesn't even realize he's losing.
  24. This is what I was trying to point out with my law school example. Not only does it become "why should I go to college if I can get $20/hour w/ a high school education, or less?" For employers, it also becomes "why should I hire someone with a HS education or less when people with Bachelors and Masters degrees are applying for the same positions?" And yes, I honestly would consider flipping burgers forever if minimum wage got to $35/hour or so. Especially if they paid overtime.
  25. Because you're building a resume for your next job. You're not just working for your paycheck (although some people are), you're building a skill-set and body of work that qualifies you for a promotion, or a better job when/if you feel like leaving.
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