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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. is there a function on the forum software (or something we could link to on google maps) where we could have "pins" with each member's approximate location? I'm not asking for people to post their home addresses, but I would "pin" myself in Parma and Painesville (home and work) so other members could see who is near them. I know (or think I know) which members are near my home, but I've seen at least 2 or 3 people in this thread who are near my office. I was not aware we had so many East-side peeps.
  2. why? the one with 78hp and a 360 lbs. curb weight doesn't excite you enough? I really hope that bike romps the Japanese "lightweights" and everyone is left eating crow. On paper, the Hero looks amazing.
  3. I get that lap times are not THE most important thing, but when Corey West is there turning 1:29's, I think the Advanced riders (on 600's or larger) should be able to break 1:40, or be consistently close to that time. Yes, he (the AMA pro) is coming into OUR world (the track day), and it's his responsibility to adapt his riding and expectations to maintain a safe environment for all, but I think it's a fallacy to say that lap times don't matter. Part of being consistent is being consistently quick.
  4. your commutes are making me jealous. I'm at 400 miles/week minimum.
  5. Try to question that instructor's credibility now!
  6. Where? I didn't see anyone say they thought less of the OP based on her admitted (or implied admission) of bad credit.
  7. redkow97


    Yes. I would be shocked if their insurance didn't require it, but functionally, it's a nightmare for the staff if there are too many people out on track at once.
  8. like the car that expects you to be doing 10-15 over the speed limit at most, and then turns left in front of you?
  9. I would dare say that they "copied" STT's format after STT was the only org running at Mid-Ohio for multiple years. That said, "Intermediate" is a WIIIIIIIDDDDEEEE range of skill because of the somewhat restrictive Novice curriculum. Last time I was at Mid-Ohio was a couple of years ago, but I registered in Intermediate. There were AMA riders doing testing, and at least three privateers (that I was aware of) who were seeing if they could make the grid for the upcoming round. I was pleased with my decision to register in Intermediate, based on the speed of the Advanced group. That said, other intermediate riders were accusing me of "slumming it" in Intermediate. My times were a good 5 seconds off what I would have deemed appropriate for Advanced group.
  10. I have a little troybilt blower that does a fine job of clearing my driveway. Other than a propensity for consuming 1.5 auger drive-belts a season (by the time they break, the local stores are already stocking lawn mower parts... grrr...) and burning a little oil, there is nothing wrong with it. a snow thrower is definitely the cheaper way to go ...but I was looking for a way to have some FUN clearing the driveway, rather than hating it and having snow blown in my face, only to spend 20 minutes fixing the belt, or an hour in the cold safety wiring the snapped tension spring on the auger engage cable (not that I'm bitter).
  11. She didn't get the answer she wanted, so she went to ask somewhere else. Ask me how surprised I am that someone with admitted credit issues would prefer to find more ways to spend money rather than listening to those who were telling her to save it.
  12. OR, how big of a lawn tractor would it take to plow with?
  13. The local Dairy Queen is plowing their lot (very narrow drive-through) with a small quad. Got me thinking about this as well. Financially, there's probably no way I could justify the expense, but boy would I have more fun clearing the driveway! How much would a decent used quad cost?
  14. redkow97

    F'n Repubs.

    I'm counting at least 3 in this thread.
  15. I don't follow dirt or flat track closely, but I was under the impression they were doing okay. AMA Pro Racing is not run by the AMA. I would agree that the roadracing series is pissing into the wind...
  16. this thread was started a year ago... This may not be the place to debate the handling issue, but I think you need to always limit evaluations to direct comparisons of two or more bikes. Ryan (Hoblick) put a LOT of time, money, and very good parts into his Harley, and was not able to get it to handle well enough to meet his expectations. His demands are no doubt different than yours, probably in part because I know he has tracked an F4i and a GSXR 600 on multiple occasions. But he has also owned a laundry list of other street bikes, including a few cruisers, which I think gives his opinion at least some weight. I think we all need to choose our words more carefully, but also not take these kind of threads so personally. We're passionate about the bikes we ride - that is good. But we need not take criticisms of machinery as personal attacks. P.S. - that Victory pictured above is pretty sweet looking, regardless of how it rides.
  17. watched 45 minutes or so last night, and I notice a lot of common themes. Be careful, folks. Expect to be cut off, brake-checked, and hit from behind... leave room for an escape!
  18. redkow97


    don't. You can buy stuff to make it more crash-worthy, but otherwise I wouldn't spend a lot on upgrading an EX300 when you can buy a used 600 for about the same price as the 300 + upgrades, and the 600 will be a LOT faster. Enjoy that 300 for what it is. By all accounts, they are awesome bikes, just not that powerful. That's okay.
  19. Nice little collection of toys. List of mods? Feel free to brag a little.
  20. redkow97


    How fast will the 300 go? 110? Even in Novice, the 600's should surpass 130 if they want to...
  21. redkow97


    Their school is very beginner friendly. The track itself is far from the simplest to learn and ride though. Couple blind exits due to the elevation, 6th gear straight, "loose" track until it's warmed up... There are easier and cheaper options.
  22. That literally crossed the RX8 off my list of vehicles I would consider some day. 20 mpg from a 1.3 liter.
  23. The hitler video is always funny, but like I mentioned - it's a marine application. Torque isn't all that essential.
  24. 980 lbs? Did I read that wrong? For the power boat application, this seems great, but I question its viability in a super car application, as the article suggested. Still pretty amazing engineering. Read the comments for some typical Internet drama.
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