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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. yeah, but it's not like it has been a secret that the post office has been struggling for the last decade. Anyone affected has been on notice that this change or one substantially similar was coming. This is capitalism at work, and I completely support it. It's an unskilled labor force that is compensated VERY reasonably. pay scale for letter carriers starts at $34k (my first job was $28k) and goes up to $57k - for walking and putting shit into a box... High school education. No student loans. It's not a bad living if you get started right out of high school. http://www.nalc.org/depart/cau/pdf/wages/paychart0113.pdf
  2. My prediction is that some will lose their jobs, a handful will get charged with dereliction of duty, and the city will settle wrongful death claims with both families. Murder charge? All they have to do is show that the suspects intended to hit any police officer with their car (which is a pretty reasonable inference when they have led police on a chase, and both have cocaine in their system). At that point, deadly force is justified. The fact that it was 137 bullets instead of 2 is reflexive of poor procedure, but not that the use of force is no less justified.
  3. There are jackasses in the Netherlands too? Shocker.
  4. at least he seems to be a well-meaning crazy. I bet he scores higher than some NFL players on the Wunderlic test.
  5. Not quite the same scenario. King richard's burial location was recorded, and them the church location was forgotten. But looking for a while church is easier than finding one guy, whose body was intentionally hidden, not just forgotten about.
  6. i wondered about the rev limiter as well. Makes me think the video is sped up and the audio is dubbed. how fast does the speedo indicate? I only watched part of it.
  7. redkow97

    Foster Dogs

    Www.secondhandmutts.org My wife is on the board of directors, and we've had 18(?) foster dogs over the last three years or so. That's not counting the two that are now permanent members of the family. Because all the dogs are really well socialized, the reunion events and fund raisers are a blast. I've done a couple transfers for the Cleveland kennel too. A male pit bull puked at least 4 times in my car between Cleveland and Dayton. Luckily the other dog was less queasy, and crated.
  8. I buy most of my lids on close out anymore though. Between crashing them and the 5 year rule for racing, I try not to break the bank on what amounts to a relatively disposable piece of gear.
  9. It's all about how it fits your dome. A $700 Arai will be miserable if it doesn't fit right. I don't think she was bashing Bell as a brand. Scorpions fit my head better than several "nicer" helmets I have owned.
  10. It's probably named something stupid like "BOMBSHELL" and so far off topic it's completely irrelevant. I doubt it even has its own thread. More likely a mention in a thread about other tracks in the region, or someone asking when it's going to be added to the schedule.
  11. The giant "120" painted on the asphalt is a pretty good indication that it's kph. I think a 70 mph speed limit is more plausible than 120.
  12. Evelyn gets final say. Mongo just works for her I will say this about WERA - they have been around for a long time because they err on the side of caution. Depending on the situation though, I have seen car events where they stick hay bales ON the track to create a chicane, keeping speeds down leading up to sections where the walls get particularly close to the asphalt.
  13. redkow97

    Foster Dogs

    have you reached out to other rescues to do courtesy listings? I know the rescue we foster for couldn't have pit bulls before Ohio officially removed their vicious breed classification (insurance costs were prohibitive), so they would do courtesy listings from other rescues that did have pits. Our latest foster just got a forever home yesterday. She was pretty easy (only foster dog we've EVER had that didn't pee in the house at least once), but as always, it was great to see her get a permanent family.
  14. your bike looks to be in great shape, but I think you're pricing yourself out of any interest, especially this time of year.
  15. redkow97


    I prefer cruising pace on group rides. Sporty rides seem to encourage poor decisions. Even if I'm on a sportbike, I can slow down and enjoy the view.
  16. My all time favorite was a kid learning on his brother's 750. Never even got his feet off the ground. Shot the bike out from under himself and launched it across the parking lot. Kid got up saying "I don't wanna ride no more" in a Boston accent. I love it.
  17. If we're all this impressed, just think how freaked out those Pakistani kids are when drones blow up their village!
  18. The R5 did in fact have front drums and a 5 speed. I'd still rock it. Cb350 seems more reasonable though. I'll just need a bigger bike for 2-up and track days. Oh well. I have the space. Just need the budget.
  19. You could actually wire it to the horn button. I have seen it wired to the high beem switch as well. Only disadvantage there is that your opener nattering drains whenever the high beem is on. Horn would be smarter, unless you come home when the neighbors are sleeping... I tried to avoid night riding all together.
  20. My preferences are taking me in at least three VERY different directions when I start to consider my next street bike and/or project, and the RD series would have satisfied 2 of the 3, which was appealing... I am trying to decide between (or balance): - CHEAP - FUN - POWERFUL I had seriously considered a first gen EX250 just to have something to buzz around on, but those are seriously lacking in style points... So I started looking into CB350's, and then RD350's. The RD's start getting away from the "cheap" end of that spectrum, but also up the performance potential considerably. Then I was looking at more "fun," but still pretty cheap (but less cool) bikes. (first gen SV650n is a look I love, and obviously it will handle better than an EX250 or a CB350, with more power, and almost as much style.) For a tad more top-end power, I was also considering taking a crashed F3 or Katana 750 and throwing a circular headlight on it to copy the naked SV look (sort of...) But Katana 750's are heavy (although bullet-proof). So then I figured, "may as well try to find a crashed TL or Super Hawk... Less style, but enough power to make up for it. I'm such a woman when it comes to making decisions on motorcycles... And then there's the fact that I wouldn't mind a project. the RD is easiest to work on, and the CB is probably a close second. decisions... I guess the only thing to do is save more and buy 2 or 3 bikes.
  21. Do you're saying I should have offered $500 for the non running, but complete, 1970 R5... :-/
  22. $4,000 per round is actually less than I would have guessed, at least if you want any chance at being competitive. I'm sure you can show up and pay your entry fees for less, but the additional tires, additional money spent on having a competitive motor build, etc. definitely adds up very quickly. Wish I had money just sitting in a closet to cover a 5th round for you. Good luck this season.
  23. the thing with a capped truck is that it will be difficult for YOU to fit, even if the bike does. Remember, you have to load and unload the thing. Unless you remove the cap, you're doing all that bent over. Not fun. A conventional roof-level cap is a great place to store "stuff" that isn't super valuable, but you want out of the elements though. I have seen people leave their luggage in the bed all day, and then move their generator (powering the RV they're towing) into the truck bed over night. Keeps the rain off. Lock it up though...
  24. Been researching these a lot over the last few months, after I found an R5 for $600 on CL. Curious to hear opinions from someone who actually rides one and lives with it routinely. Also potentially curious about common problems, what parts are hard to find, and what to look for when shopping them (although that step is premature if the prevailing owner opinion is that they're a general PITA)
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