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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. My thought is that you can't have a WSBK machine pulling a faster trap speed than the CRT bikes on the front straight. Frankly, the WSBK machines shouldn't be within 3 seconds a lap of the CRT bikes. I always suspected that both championships did their best to ensure that they never used the same configuration of the same track explicitly to avoid direct comparisons. the tires are a significant difference as well, but I wish they'd do away with spec tires in MotoGP too. Let competition dictate.
  2. without totally derailing the thread, does anyone know if there have been any major rule changes in WSBK this year to keep them considerably slower than the CRT MotoGP bikes? With Dorna calling the shots in both series, I can only assume that they'll push MotoGP as the premier class, and WSBK as somewhat different (meaning more stock, and a lot slower). The problem already arising is that the MotoGP class has gotten so expensive, that it's dying a slow painful death, and the whole CRT principle is using production-based engines, like WSBK... I understand that the chassis used for CRT bikes are custom, like the MOTO GP bikes, but I don't believe the CRT machines are really that much quicker than the WSKB riders. At least they weren't last season. I suppose that could change...
  3. be careful what you wish for. I would guess the average BMI on this forum is pushing 30, and we don't have many bodybuilders pulling up that average.
  4. Let's be fair - the Panni IS really hot. As a race bike, I don't think that means dick. As a street bike, it can be a legitimate gripe. Checa has the big twins figured out. Tire management FTW.
  5. I have to agree. I took 2 minutes on CL and found the same trim level '04 for $5,495. It had 164,000 miles. I'd trade it in TODAY if the dealer is really making a decent offer.
  6. redkow97

    Need a job?

    What does it pay?
  7. Plus SMJ isn't local. Lots if CA riders who are all talk and never actually come get the bike...
  8. Greg White posted on his FB page that a WSBK deal is close to complete. Phillip island should be televised.
  9. Vince actually makes fun of his arrest in the "Schticky" infomercial. If you haven't seen it, it's a glorified lint brush, and the line is something to the effect of "look great for photos ...even the ones you'd rather not remember" and then he holds up the name plate from his booking photo. I actually think it's pretty funny that he confronted it in an infomercial rather than pretending it never happened. and I think I read that Vince is like 48 or something. Doesn't look it.
  10. and i'd wager the harder compound is well below the wear marks. If you get that far down, you're probably way overdue for a replacement rear anyway, as the profile will be all kinds of messed up.
  11. who is the rider? is that a legit professional test rider, or some casual blogger's claim?
  12. Brandon - I can save up a serious amount of dog shit for you to leave on this guy's lawn, porch, driveway, etc. if it comes to that. I've got 120 lbs. of shit machines dropping loads in my yard. I have to pick it up regardless of whether it ends up in the trash, or your neighbor's yard...
  13. I shit in my sister's cat's litter box during the brief period I lived at home after college. She would let it go way too long without cleaning it, and laughed when I threatened to start shitting there too. She wasn't laughing when she had to empty it.
  14. I would also support the idea of an LLC, but having one won't help if it's merely a ruse to avoid personal liability. If the LLC is your "alter ego," you can pierce the corporate veil and hold the owners personally liable. Usually that requires some illegal activity by the "corporation," but an under-capitalized corporation is in violation of SEC laws, so that can count. All I'm pointing out is that incorporating isn't necessarily an absolute shield, and that it creates certain obligations (like filing, having articles of incorporation, listing a principle place of business, naming a person who can be served on the corporation's behalf, outlining a capital structure with regard to stock, etc.)
  15. I realize it's not a direct copy of the Buell, but I think it's similar enough for him to be pissed... The larger disk does help with heat transfer, but I believe the bigger benefit was supposed to be a reduction in unsprung mass in the front wheel. The single disk is lighter that two smaller ones, and the rim itself can be lighter because the hub doesn't need to be so beefy. The strength comes from the exterior of the rim rather than the interior.
  16. That Honda and Volkswagen pic has grown into quite the legend. While it's a relevant example of potential consequences, the speed claims range from 85-155mph. Snopes found no references to any speed estimates in the original brews story. http://www.snopes.com/photos/accident/seemotorcycle.asp And that Honda looks a lot like a Ducati 748 tail section and swing arm... I know it has HRC stickers on it and you can see "HONDA" in some of the other shots, but the resemblance is striking, especially with that color scheme.
  17. Depends on the DMV worker. Mine accepted the Chinese "title" when I pointed out the shipping weight. A weigh station slip would be more convincing proof though. In OH, trailers below a certain weight don't have real titles.
  18. anyone else familiar with the Adam Sandler "gay robot" sketch? "TASTE IT" reminded me of that...
  19. 100% agree. I'm sure the people in the Skittles marketing department aren't complete Luddites, and realize that "taste it!" jokes aren't hard to come up with. In fact, I'm betting a lot of ideas similar to that get joked about at informal idea sessions ...but no way they would ever actually waste money producing something that they know will never air, and would offend a significant number of people.
  20. Where'd you read/hear that? Again, according to the astronomer on the radio this morning, I heard 17,000mph, or 8 kilometers per second, which is more like 5 miles per second, not 19 miles a second. Still faster than a missile, but not by as much as you're saying. And I'm not saying I'm right - just that that's what the head of Baldwin Wallace's astronomy department said on the radio this morning.
  21. Astronomer from Baldwin Wallace University says this happens a lot more than once a century. In his words, "70% of the planet is water, so we usually just don't notice." He estimated that meteors strike land every 40 years or so.
  22. Technically, that's trespassing. Physical invasion into your real property. Got any friends who are attorneys? A well worded letter might care them. Having an attorney sign it adds some teeth, or at least the threat of teeth (when you're bluffung.)
  23. I happen to be reviewing torts tonight. In Ohio: The standard domesticated animals rule does not include pets. Owners are only strictly liable for dog bites, or damages caused by a dog that has known aggressive tendencies. So your neighbor isn't strictly liable, but he is still negligently failing to control where his dog shits. If the guy's a dickbag about it, hire a service to come scoop his dog's shit off your lawn each week, and send him the bill. Then you have actual damages established, and after a couple of months, you have established the going rate for the service, and what it's "costing" you to clean up after his dog. Take it to small claims court, and collect.
  24. if my parents were paying my bar tabs, I might not have moved out either!
  25. Talk to the neighbor. If he's a dick, nothing is going to fix that, but you have to convince yourself to act like this is the first time it's happened. You go in attacking, and he's going to get defensive, even if you're obviously right. I wouldn't even give yourself the liberty of considering payback until you've exhausted the most viable diplomatic means. There are a range of legal and, um, less legal, actions you can take thereafter. I like dogs. Their owners are hit or miss. Please don't hurt the dog. But be careful of it. Dobermans are sweethearts, but they're also protective. And the dog won't understand that its owner is an asshole.
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