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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. redkow97

    Paddock stands

    Someone ask Charlie(?) at pit-bull to make one. It will be worth buying, and American made.
  2. For the sake of discussion, why does a conspiracy require "so many" actors? That's the beauty of the whole concept. Duping the participants into thinking it's all real. This whole thing could have been orchestrated with 5 people "in the know" and the rest simply reacting to what they see, and more probably, what they are told once they believe the initial lie. One credible source says an assault rifle was used, and suddenly everyone in the school saw an AR. The news reports it, and that's it - the world believes it. Even if it's later disproven.
  3. Get him to a parking lot with a dirt bike, then MSF, then someone do a temporary trade with jinu's SV No reason to sell the bike!
  4. I finally got o watch it. The FEMA schedule and the "dead" girl getting her picture taken with Obama are things I'd like to hear an explanation for though. The White House will respond to any petition that receives 25,000 signatures. I don't see the harm in asking them about the most glaring inconsistencies and coincidences.
  5. Even if its 100% accurate, people will never believe it. Too many emotions tied up and attached. People are more comfortable believing in evil than believing in a conspiracy.
  6. I haven't had many issues with the fenders vibrating. Early on I noticed that the tires would scuff the fender supports, but I wrapped them with a layer of tape to see if that was common, or a fluke. That tape has been undisturbed for about 3 years now. So the fenders do vibrate some, but it hasn't been a problem on mine.
  7. This. And while throwing $$$ at some of the problem area would be great, the carousel is basically a ramp to nowhere, and T12 would be so much faster, I would be worried about bikes making it onto the front straight unles they afded gravel. Then there's te drainage issue, etc. a lot more is needed at Nelson than jut a repave. Nelson is like your college booty call. You're not marrying her, but she's convenient and fun and doesn't cost you much.
  8. Trailer itself is probably 300-350 lbs. Bikes can be rounded to 500 with gas. The whole setup should be around 1500, give or take Balancing the bikes properly makes HUGE difference though. I moved my pit bull TRS back 4" and moving the trailer by hand (with bike or bikes loaded) got to be insanely easier on my back.
  9. How many miles is a drivers' seat good for? LBTS. GLWS.
  10. My old company employed teachers in our compliance department. It would be low pay, but not hard work, and it's in independence. Www.merrymtg.com would have more info and job postings.
  11. I have an old 2-piece set that is really well used. I'm not totally sure on the size, but it fits like a 38... (I.e. short and very snug on my 6' 170 lbs frame without back or chest protector) It's supposed to be for my wife on 2-up rides, so let me consult her. I won't be getting a street bike until April or May, so...
  12. Hey, at least he's reading and contributing rather than starting a new thread for an old topic. Update on where I'm at a year later: I'm still rocking the 4x8 open trailer, but have been sleeping in the back of the SUV instead of setting up a tent. A "double" air mattress fits perfectly with the rear and front passenger seats folded flat. The seats create a slight incline that is surprisingly annoying... The easy remedy is to park with the front wheels slightly down hill, but I also bring jack-stands and my trailer jack to lift the back of the car if its that flat. Still Better than tent camping. Wife has no interest in spending the night at the track, but will come for day trips. The dogs love sleeping in the car. I haven't tried it in summer heat yet, but if its warm and dry, those are the times I really don't mind tenting it.
  13. buy him headphones and an INPUT splitter from radio shack. Then he can listen to CD's or MP3's through the headphones, AND plug the amp's headphone jack into the mix as well. I used to play the same CD and same bass part over and over trying to learn the harder parts of songs, or memorize the progressions. I would have gladly used headphones, but I could only listen to one or the other.
  14. i feel like there should be a market for enclosed trailers that are 4-5' tall while towing, but then crank up to have 7' doorways and 7.5' ceilings once you stop and want to unload. Like a pop-up camper where canvass with mesh windows that can zip closed fill the extension between the wall and ceiling, or even a complete hard-sided model. That would operate just like the slide-out sides on big RV's, except it would slide vertically... Especially if it's a simple manual crank system (hook up an electric drill...), it wouldn't be expensive or complicated. Then you'd have the best of both worlds. A trailer that gets better economy towing, but one you can also stand up in once you're at your destination. The fuel savings add up quickly when you drop the roof height by 2 fee or more. That's at least 12 square feet of surface area that's no longer catching wind. With aerodynamic drag multiplying exponentially with speed and all, I have to believe it would be 3-4 mpg improvement.
  15. when you said "28-year low," I thought you were humorously implying that they froze the bay intentionally. Only after reading the article did it dawn on me that the temperatures were at a 28 year low
  16. Whatever you end up with, buy peace of mind. I constantly worry about the 12" wheel setting my bearings on fire during sustained stints above 70mph. On the one hand, that keeps me nice and slow, an improves my fuel economy (~22) with the wife's small SUV. On the other hand, I win I could pass people at 80 mph and not be checking the mirrors for smoke... To be fair, I check the hubs religiously, and they've never even been hot to the touch. But the "peace of mind" argument applies to all things. The pit bull TRS stopped my worries over the bike falling during transport. That was huge. New bearings and/or bigger wheels are my next likely upgrade.
  17. I'm not in the market for an rv, but I might still try to hit up the show if I can score free tickets. Just pick up some ideas of what I like and don't like, or steal some ideas for a DIY enclosed trailer conversion. I'm more likely to buy a "browns bus" than a track hauler, but maybe some day...
  18. this is the most ridiculous statement I've ever read. You're telling me that you were comfortable carrying a loaded gun before you owned one? I suppose you trusted yourself on a ZX14 before you ever owned a motorcycle too... when I buy a carry firearm, I will be carrying it with snap-caps until I am completely certain that I won't make any bonehead mistakes with live rounds. I'm confident in my ability to safely handle firearms at the range, and in other no-pressure and otherwise familiar environments, but I'm not about to thrust myself into new situations with a loaded revolver when there is a safe and intelligent alternative that allows me to build confidence and proficiency without the risk of mistakes. I actually like the LCR a lot. I just don't understand why compact revolvers seem to be so expensive, and like the guy in the video referenced, I would like the LCR 22 to come with a 22lr cylinder, AND a 22 magnum cylinder. Ruger has done that for decades with the single six.
  19. redkow97

    Dry Firing

    Anyone experienced with firearms will know a .22 by the sound, but how many bad guys do you know who are going to ask "is that a .22?" before they run, or take a round? Never pull a gun on anyone unless you intend to shoot them. The whole "this will scare him off" theory is a good way to get shot when the bad guy didn't tell you he had a gun too.
  20. Seems like some of us are going to have to agree to disagree on this. My final thought: Most of the people supporting US occupation of the Middle East are quick to question Uncle Sam's motives and judgment in virtually any other situation, but not here? I'd urge some more introspective consideration in that.
  21. I'll believe it when I see it. and how many is "some?" IF Obama actually holds to his word and pulls out the majority of our forces, how long do you think it will be before there's a large-scale organized attack on the forces that remain? I give it 2 years, max. Then we'll respond with force, and be right back where we are now. Just pull everyone out, and stop trying to fix a country that is full of problems that aren't our responsibility.
  22. Glad we're starting with some common ground So you agree that we can't really "blame" these people, Taliban or not, for fighting back against a HUGE military giant that has essentially invaded their country? Without even debating whether or not our invasion was justified based on the 9/11 attack, what did we expect them to do when we showed up with infantry and helicopters? I could just as easily ask what they expected to happen when they flew aircraft into buildings. Justified or not, I think our military presence in Afghanistan and surrounding nations is doing America(ns) more harm than good at this point. I plainly said that I don't fault soldiers for following orders and completing missions. I find fault with the people giving the orders, and their motives. I can't explicitly say how far up the chain of command you have to go to say who is responsible, but I am certain it is well above those on the ground or in the air in that video. I'm not crying over anyone who died there - I just think it's silly that our troops were there to be attacked in the first place. A decade ago, I wouldn't have thought so, but now it's quite clear to me that that region will NEVER be "secure," and thus our troops are never coming home. The notion that we can kill all the people who hate America without making even more people hate America is the flawed logic that perpetuates the problem.
  23. ^ totally agree, Brian. That's why I was wondering if it would be $1000 or $100. My friend is looking into renting the track by the hour. That migt make costs more reasonable, but $500/33 people puts things in perspective for sure.
  24. I don't blame soldiers for following orders and completing missions, but I fail to see how a dozen guys in Afghanistan, armed with a few rifles and RPG's pose a threat to any Americans. "They were attacking an American military convoy" or whatever. Okay... Of our military wasn't there "protecting" us, they wouldn't be getting shot at. How would Americans react if Afghan soldiers showed up on our soil and started offing everyone with a rifle? I bet we'd be fighting back too. I'm all for national defense, but hunting down loose forces who pose no real threat to Americans is silly... And in their eyes, they're defending their country from the big bad USA helicopters.
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