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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. CRP is further from my house, so there is less of a chance that I could make it down on a weeknight. $15 is sweet though.
  2. redkow97

    Dry Firing

    I have read endlessly about the concern mentioned above with rim-fire firearms, but it's not an issue with every gun. Ruger actually advises dry-firing the 10/22 while practicing, and I don't believe there is any other way to un-cock the gun when you've opened the bolt. I'm not saying that it's good to dry-fire a revolver; just that it's not necessarily an issue with ALL rim-fire guns.
  3. He asked on their facebook page, and whoever runs that said it was an option and to call them for booking. I'm just looking to figure out if we're talking a few hundred bucks, or a couple grand. Like anything else, if enough people are interested (and have cash in hand) I'm sure they would take our money... It's just a matter of whether it's $15 for 5-dusk, or $35 for 5-dusk (or $100 to have the track pretty much to yourself...)
  4. anyone ever done this? A buddy of mine is looking into renting out Fremont Raceway Park in the spring to goon around on XR's. It's around Sandusky (Northwest of Cleveland) for those who have never heard of it. http://youtu.be/wok8igM3wwQ With only a 1/4 mile course, you're looking at 30 second laps. But I don't consider that a deal breaker. It's like 80 miles from me, so solid half hour closer than Circleville. BeaveRun (I still can't call it PIRC) is only 95 miles away, but the PA turnpike tolls are expensive, and I'm a stubborn asshole about driving it any more often than absolutely necessary...
  5. Try finding a sticky tire in a 130 rear. Or a 110 front. Especially if its a first gen with 16" rims.
  6. Been there. I stayed in 4th gear at Putnam and let kaleb DeKeyrel teach me a lot at Putnam. He was on a morowaki 250 at the time. Nice kid too. His dad was good people as well. I was stuck in the mid 20's in the morning at Putnam. After following kaleb, I hit 21's right before lunch, and 19's later that day.
  7. A ninja 250 will get close to 100mph. 2-stroke 250's will do more like 130.
  8. Saabs got a bad reputation in the late 90's and early 90's because (if memory serves) they were burning up turbos at an alarming rate. I haven't heard of that issue from any of the newer models. I spent considerable time behind the wheel of a 2001 9-5 that belonged to my college girlfriend's mother. If her dad hadn't been such a tinkerer, I'm quite confident that the car wouldn't have had half the issues he inadvertently caused. Which GM chassis is that? Cobalt? Malibu? As long as it's not the old cavalier chassis, you're in good shape. Those things were death-traps...
  9. And I think this is the most significant thing you said. I try to train our dogs the best I can, and they're pretty good. I trust them with almost any person and almost any dog - but I still greatly prefer any such encounters happen on my terms rather than by surprise. I have had similar experiences with one dog in our neighborhood, and when the owners are idiots, there's not much you can do. Before we had Kramer, my wife and I were walking Hank to Dairy Queen. A 50 lbs. mutt was roaming the street with his family sitting around their front yard. They didn't seem to find anything wrong with the fact that their dog was all over the place. He confronted Hank in a manner that seemed friendly enough, but then snapped and lunged at him. I yelled at the dog and stepped between him and Henry. Luckily that dog was afraid of me, if not hank. The owners barely reacted. I was not pleased. Similar thing happened the next summer, except I had both dogs. Henry is a 40 lbs beagle mutt. Kramer is an 80 lbs Rottweiler mutt. He gets along with any neutered dog he has ever encountered. This dog pulled the same routine as last year, and I told the owners, "can you please keep your dog under control? If he picks a fight, that's not going to end well for him." I wouldnt have let Kramer really hurt their dog unless it was posing a real threat to his safety or mine (or Henry), but I let him scare their dog, and them. Dogs are smart. They largely react based on how YOU act. I was on edge. I probably need more training than my dogs.
  10. I think it's a silly thing to publish, but I doubt it will matter much. Frankly any of my neighbors who would be mad at me for having a carry permit can go fuck themselves. The notion that criminals read the news is laughable. There might be one or two cases of homes being targeted and robbed because of this story, but it will be statistically insignificant. It's non-news. Controversy for the sake of being controversial. Unethical, but perfectly legal. Ultimately, I believe it's also fairly harmless as well. Just silly.
  11. Was your brother the last owner? Applying for a lost title is like $16, and I it's running, I'd throw him a couple hundred for the bike to put back on the street.
  12. And Casper, you can disagree all you like about the police not being responsible for our safety, but that is a cold hard fact. Police simply do not have the numbers to adequately prevent crimes or protect the pubilc from criminals. At any given time of day, in any populous area, there are more criminals breaking the law than police officers on duty to stop them. That is while the military is substantially larger than the police. Off-duty officers in schools is a different story. They're not "on patrol," and thus aren't being diverted from other duties. I have no issue with that. But calling for military occupation of our schools (and that's what it would be - whether you want to think of it that way or not) is a heck of a request. It seems that most of us agree that teachers who volunteer to be trained are the most practical and effective solution.
  13. The problem is likely the ambiguity of the statute. "during the commission of a felony" does not say WHO has to be committing the felony. If Jack is committing a felony, and Jill is wearing body armor next to him (as a bystander, not an accomplice) she's wearing body armor during the commission of a felony. She's just not the one commiting it. Poor wording that should be revised.
  14. I agree. Correlation is not causation when you're talking MotoGP and WSBK. The Honda MotoGP bike is amazing, but the CBR1000RR-based WSBK bike is pretty mediocre. The gap widens when you start talking street bikes and/or other series. The Yamaha M1 took the MotoGP championship this season, but no one's even riding an R1 in WSBK anymore... At the AMA level, Hayes dominates on the R1, but at the club level, it is not the favorite contender. IF the pannigale has problems, Ducati's MotoGP failures have nothing to do with it, and virtually no effect.
  15. My question is "who are these armed security people going to be?" On-duty police officers should not be used to guard schools. Police are not guards. That is a military function. While the police moto might be "to protect and serve," they are not legally responsible for protecting anyone... If they were, we could hold them civally liable for crimes committed on their watch. the police prevent crimes where possible, but their job is to patrol (create a police presence), respond, and investigate. Stationing officers in one place eliminates their ability to patrol or respond to other more pressing matters. IF we think it's a good idea to station armed personnel in schools (and i'm not convinced that it is), then it should be National Guard members, or some other military personnel who are officially stationed or deployed there. THAT is the military's job - defending us from threats, both foreign and domestic. My thoughts on putting armed personnel in schools? It's a nice feel-good measure, but a single armed guard won't make any difference to someone who plans a massacre. The guard will just be the first person shot. It will take at least 3-5 trained individuals to adequately respond to a single shooter, or something like the duo at Columbine. Teachers are already on-site in the course of their daily job. I don't think any teachers should be forced to carry, or undergo any kind of weapons or defensive training beyond hiding their students, but any who are willing should receive as much training as they'll accept. Make it a quasi-military designation that any citizen can obtain in a year or so with some classroom and tactical classes on weekends, or an accelerated 6-week full-time course over summers. Then you have a set of uniform standards nation-wide (or at least state-wide), and any adult employee in the school district could obtain it. I'm talking janitors, teachers, coaches, or any other staff member who is in the building on a daily basis.
  16. Does brand matter on the jet kits? the "moose racing" carb repair kit is under $40, and gets really good reviews. I know conventional wisdom on the main jet is 102-105. Not sure on the pilot jet. 38 maybe? I can look that up... Also, should I remove the spark arrestor to get the most out of the jet kit?
  17. UPDATES & PICTURES (a couple of which aren't working. I'll correct when I figure out why...) First pic of the bike, as it sat on my trailer 5 minutes after purchase. You can't tell so much, but it's filty... When I got home, I wanted to show off my new toy for the wife. Spent 5 minutes cranking the kick-start and getting pissed off before I realized I had turned the petcock to "OFF" before I loaded it... After a short test run up and down my street, and some baby wheelies in the driveway, I started trying to clean it up a bit. This is why I picked it up for so cheap: I would be concerned, but I checked the microfiche at the seller's house, and this part of the engine case isn't holding any oil. That corner was a bit of a concern, but by all accounts, the only thing that screw holds is the case cover itself, and trimming the cover for easier sprocket changes is a legal modification in teh stock XR100 class with OMRL. I will probably still replace the cover, and clean up the messy "repair" the previous owner did. after getting started on cleanup, I let the bike sit a couple of days, but did manage to mount my ML75 front tire and new tube on the XR80 rim that had arrived a couple of days after the bike The tires look less skinny on the rim, with the tube spreading it out a bit. After a TON of mud removal, a tear-down of everything but the motor (the air box was filthy inside and out...), the bike sat like this around dinner time yesterday. As of 10:20 last night, I had the carb and airbox cleaned, re-installed, and the bike was running. Currently it doesn't want to run off choke, but some fiddling with the air screw should get me back into a better state of tune tonight. Wish me luck! I've never really messed with a carburetor before, and it's definitely a learning experience.
  18. an owl swooped at my Beagle when he was a puppy. I really really doubt the owl would have been able to take him down, but he was on a 20' cable lead anyway. The owl swooped over him, and (I assume) aborted his plan when he realized how big Hank really was. This was right after we got him, but he was still almost 25 lbs.
  19. can someone summarize where the Dark Knight references Sandy Hook? I try to limit my internet traffic at work...
  20. An AR for home defense does defy logic. At least I would condtend there are MORE logical choices available. I've only shot an AR-15 on one occassion, and they're a ton of fun, but I would never call it a "logical" gun to own. I liken it to owning a Ferrari. Fun, but I'll rarely get to use it in the manner for which it was designed. There are many better daily drivers. in a self defense situation, I feel somewhat the same about an AR-15. Yes they're accurate and can hold a lot of rounds with relively low recoil for the size. But a shotgun is still easier to aim in a panic situation, and won't go through my wall and into my neighbor's house if I miss the bad guy. The same is true of a .22, except that there's less recoil than the shotgun, and I can carry just as many rounds as the AR. I'm not advocating that AR's be banned, I'm just saying that I don't personally feel the need to own one.
  21. I'm not for banning violent video games or violent movies, but I do think that seeing a behavior repeatedly makes people more comfortable with that behavior. That kind of comfort has a stronger relationship with actual violent acts than the tools used. With that said, I still believe that there is a LARGE gap between being okay with seeing someone brutally murdered on TV, and committing such an act. Real as it may appear, I know TV and movies are not real. I can laugh at things in movies that I would vomit watching on the news. The consciousness of real versus make-believe is significant. If there is concrete evidence that that significance is being diminished in young people by exposure to FPS video games, then okay, ban them. But until that evidence exists (and I mean causation, not just correlation), I'm opposed to banning things without just cause.
  22. I agree with the vast majority of what you posted, but I really struggle with the mental health aspect of things. We require doctor/patient confidentiality for a reason. The line about when that can be broken in the name of protecting third parties (tarasoft duty) is relatively clear right now: "I want to kill people" is not something that can be reported without legal ramifications for a violation of the patient's privacy rights. "I want to kill Scruit" CAN be reported, and scruit's family can sue the doctor if he is harmed as a result of a failure to report. The basic distinction is that an identified victim creates liability for th doctor and allows reporting, but general feelings of anger or violence do not. I really struggle with how we should treat people who have a general desire to kill or destroy. If we're being honest with ourselves, we all have the capacity to be enraged to the point of making bad decisions and acting violently toward other people. For 99% of the world, those instances are rare, and generally don't escalate beyond simple assault or a gist fight. Identifying those who MIGHT be calculating violent acts is far more difficult, and it's even harder still to identify the people who would actually ACT on such a plan. Personally, I get really queasy when I think about institutionalizing people based on things we fear they MIGHT do... I have no doubts that we could reduce incidents of violence by institutionalizing more mentally ill people, but at what cost? Financially, and morally, we give up a lot.
  23. UPDATE: I'm hearing from people at work (who are reading it online) that the Cleveland PD had pulled over the suspect vehicle TWICE in the hour or so prior to the chase. http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2012/12/cleveland_police_pull_over_sus.html#incart_2box The Plain Dealer has security camera video from their parking lot that shows one of the stops. The car is pulled over, and before the officer gets out to approach, it speeds off. As noted, this allegedly happened twice. I'm not sure if it was the same car both times, or two different patrol cars that stopped them. So when they went speeding by the justice center, that chase may still have been going on. Or it may have been called off, and the officers who allegedly heard the gun shot may have just recognized the description of the car based on prior radio transmissions. I'm sure more will come out eventually. Still waiting on toxicology reports, and powder residue from the deceased.
  24. Pfft. he did it all wrong. Any Cleveland cop will tell you the right way to neutralize a threat: Empty your magazine, then reload and empty it again just in case.
  25. $200 will be tough to find, but if you're not in a hurry, it's possible. the 4x8 can fit 2 bikes, but they are much more stable with "outriggers" for your outside tie-down points. I did this when I had Imprez55's bike next to mine on my trailer. It just moves the tie-down point further from the bike so that it gives better lateral support. An extra foot or so makes a HUGE difference, and it makes the trailer 6-7' wide, which is totally manageable. The best permanent solution I have seen was someone who took the material they use for stop-sign poles and bolted that along the front rail of the frame, then installed eye-bolts at either end. The middle tie-down straps can overlap, so those are no big deal. if this isn't making sense, I can demonstrate on my trailer and take pictures...
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