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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I'm with Brian on this one. Open the crate and remove the largest parts you can grab, then take four 100 lbs. trips.
  2. I wear a suit to work now, and when I sold my street bike, I could dress more casual, but I had 2-3 textbooks and a laptop to haul around. Parking the bike on the street past dark and then riding it home in the dark; it was just more of a hassle than an enjoyment. I may go back to some weekend street riding, but I know I'll have to schedule it to make it happen.
  3. Magazine numbers (for cars and bikes alike) are always suspect to me. Many adjust for weather and track conditions to give a hypothetical best time, and they almost always run the bike in completely stock trim, don't do a burnout, and are on whatever tires came from the showroom floor. For that video in particular, I am 100% certain the F1 car had tire warmers mounted prior to that run. The bike may not have, and I doubt it would matter that much, but thats the kind of variable that makes you wonder. Plus the F1 car required a team of at least 5 guys to get down the track. Those cars are crazy complicated. One of my favorite episodes of top gear is Hammond trying to complete a single lap in an OLD F1 car. He had a rough time with the 2001(?) era technology. And they've only gotten faster and more digital in the last 11 or so years.
  4. My Rottweiler spent the day ignoring a pug puppy that was trying to eat his face off and a 3 and 5 year old who tackled him into the pool multiple times against his will. Yeah, he's vicious... My buddy's 9 month old has also pulled herself up by grabbing his face. The bigger the dog, the less they have to prove. My only worry would be that he bumped into a kid and accidentally knocked them over.
  5. Sv1000? Torque, cheap, sporty. Otherwise I vote 750 unless you plan to race it. "do you want 30 more hp and only an additional 15 lbs.?" why yes. Yes I do.
  6. 0-60 on a bike is all about gearing. On a 1000cc or larger bike, there is no need for a 1-2 shift to hit 60, but taller gearing likely adds an unnecessary up-shift in the quarter mile. So you can (generally) have to compromise one stat to rule the other. You can taylor a competition to suit virtually any vehicle and Taylor virtually any vehicle to suit a given competition.
  7. Dragsters do 0-300 in the quarter mile in more like 5 seconds. F1 cars are indeed the fastest road course machines, but they are not king of acceleration. My guess is that a zx14 blows away that Duc as well, and a purpose-built drag bike would have easily kept pace with the F1 car for a fraction of the cost. THAT is always a bike's advantage. Cost to speed ratio.
  8. Road surface is a factor too. Most of us put at least half our miles in on the same roads pretty consistently. Those getting 10k might just be lucky enough to live near 'softwr' surfaces
  9. I would contact the various Pitt placement rescues in Ohio. I'd offer to help, but my city has a Pitt ban. (although I am watching my friend's "shar pei mix" this weekend)
  10. Other than repaving the driveway, what work has been done there? Did they grind the bumps on the back straight?
  11. while you are correct that 1mph over the speed limit is breaking the law, it is exponentially more dangerous to be 10, 20, 30, etc. miles per hour over the limit. Stopping distances increase exponentially with speed. Near a residential area, that's extremely significant. Furthermore, the NOISE was the stated complaint. 1mph over the limit creates no discernible increase in volume. Flooring it to redline in a V8 drag car is disruptive (and illegal) even with the clutch to the floor. Adding the speed just makes it worse. The notion that you should wait until someone gets hurt before action is taken is ridiculous. Did the TSA teach you that? By that logic, I should be allowed to fire a gun into a crowd as long as I don't hit anyone. I'm definitely not for nanny legislation that dictates every aspect of our lives, but speed limits are pretty basic safety mechanisms for everyone's general welfare. I am one who believes that braking technology has evloved to the point that anything below 30mph is unnecessarily slow (the exception being parking lots), but racing on the streets is a far cry from 30mph.
  12. five words, "NOT IN MY BACK YARD!" But I agree that it's unnecessary and unsafe. Especially when drag strips are not scarce, and relatively cheap. I admit that I did a quick search through SWing'R's prior posts to see if I could find a hypocritical post about him ripping through the gears in a residential area or even on a public highway. I didn't see anything. So I understand that it's annoying, but at least it's an isolated area where they're only going to hurt themselves and maybe a few deer (as if we don't already have too many of those)
  13. This is what I was thinking of: ORC 4519.67 "no person shall... (2) Sell or offer for sale in this state an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle on which the manufacturer’s or assigned vehicle identification number has been destroyed, removed, covered, altered, or defaced with knowledge of the destruction, removal, covering, alteration, or defacement of the manufacturer’s or assigned vehicle identification number;" But that does appear to only apply to "off-highway" motorcycles. you just can't (legally) transfer a vehicle without a VIN plate. If it falls off, you have to apply for a new one.
  14. i may be wrong, but I believe all frame should have a VIN plate, even if they have a manufacturer certificate of origin, and have never been titled as a vehicle. I'll check the ORC if I can, but I want to say that owning a bike without a VIN plate is a big no-no. It would be presumed stolen until you can prove otherwise... That's just my gut reaction. As noted, I'll try to check. All that said, I've never had anyone check the VIN on my track bike. That includes when crossing into Canada to ride Calabogie a couple years back...
  15. by all accounts, he actively posts on Twitter, but hasn't been. He always answers his phone, but it goes straight to voice mail. He never misses appointments, but has missed several in the hours after he was last seen. It just sounds really out of character for the guy. I'm hoping for the best as well, but something's off here. I'm generally skeptical of this sort of thing after a 19 year old girl from my home town when "missing" a few years back, only to turn up 3 days later and admit that she'd been off in the woods drinking and smoking weed with guys she met at a party at OSU. No one told her she was "missing." Dan seems to be considerably more mature and more predictable than that. I can only hope that he's having half as much fun as she was.
  16. same. Return it with a case of highlife, and we'll call it even. I am 99% sure I have "thankskegging in July" that weekend and will be home the whole time. I'm a little out of your way, but nowhere near far enough that it wouldn't be well worth it. I only have 1 standard wheel-chock, but it wouldn't be hard to fab up a wooden chock for single use... Or if one of the bikes you're hauling is a 2003-2006 600rr, you can use my pit-bull TRS. **edit - not sure why I thought you were taking 2 bikes, other than that I was assuming your wife rides. I have holes drilled for a single, centered chock, and it's just sitting in the corner of my garage. Let me know. I'll send you with a spare tire and a spare jack (which really comes in handy when you've got the trunk full of stuff and can't get to the one in the car...)
  17. The only opinion that matters here is the OP's. If he's not comfortable with it, then that's valid, but I think his daughter is entitled to an explanation as well. "you're too young" isn't an explanation. "I don't want you to feel like you have to look older, and your hair is nice the way it is" is getting closer. 11 is old enough to understand, of not be totally rational in that understanding. Enjoy your daughter while she's 11. Highlights will be the least of your worries in a few years.
  18. My wife's coworker knows Dan as well, and apparently he lives near a guy I used to work with. Small world. Hopefully he comes back quickly and safely.
  19. eBay. You can verify that they're the same part on ronayers.com or any other fiche site.
  20. Shit, I want to go to that joint, and I can't even ride. I was planning to bring my dogs Sunday, but now I'm watching my friend's pit too. That's just more than I can deal with (or leave home for any length of time)
  21. At least that would be my guess.
  22. Ex500 is probably the same part. Same swing arm.
  23. welcome. be sure to agree with everything Exarch says, or he'll block you.
  24. I don't see what reason there is to ban him or anyone else. if someone is trolling, don't feed them. if someone is wrong, correct them. When it becomes clear that they'd rather be wrong than rational, it's going to be equally as clear to the next person who comes along and reads your post. if someone is lying, call them out. when they argue, see above. It's the internet. Not that complicated. (i voted hookers & blow, and laughed my ass off when I saw Exarch had voted "he's a douche and should leave OR")
  25. those of us who have sold off our street bikes are going to skew these results a bit. I talked to a motorcycle cop on Saturday morning and just said, "don't you feel naked with just the boots and helmet?" He kind of blew off the question. Granted, city cops aren't doing much more than 50 mph, and spend more time parked than riding (his words, not mine), but even a 25 mph crash is going to hurt like a bitch in their flimsy polyester pants and bare arms.
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