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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Just be sure to do the math on the stuff you plan to upgrade. Suspension isn't cheap, so that was always what I looked for with my track bikes. But go through and source everything you would want to add, then add that to the cost of the "track" bike that's fOr sale. With a few bits taken off and without the stands, my (fully race ready) bike would only be $2500 or $2600
  2. And fearless. I like the redull rookies' cup even more. Those kids are rubbing elbows down the straights. I almost wish they'd back off a little. Not worth hurting each other over a win when you're both that close. The sponsors notice who is fighting for the lead, not just who wins.
  3. And probably a late fee at this point. The registration was never "suspended," you just let it expire. Cars are registered, and drivers are licensed, but the two are totally unrelated. My grandmother owns a car, has it register, plated, and insured, but she no longer has a valid license. Just has my family or her neighbors drive her around when necessary.
  4. All the same. They are marketed as a "track biased street tire" and i rode them into "A" and even did some racing on them last year. I'm not Brian, so :36's were out of the question at Mid Ohio, but i want to say i was in the mid to low 40's on Q2's with no issues (that weren't track/weather related)
  5. P.S. - i can't believe no one has brought up the fact that this also seriously hurts the Big 10's strength as a conference.
  6. honestly I think teh loss of scholarships is worse than suspending football operations for four years. Who is Penn State going to field with no scholarships and no bowl participation? Even marginal players are probably going to flee to MAC or WAC schools where they can have a chance at a bowl game. And when they do get their scholarships back, that freshman class is still going to suck. What premier prospect wants to go play with 3 years worth of upper-classmen who AREN'T on scholarship? It's a 4-year sanction that will seriously affect their program for at least 10 years. I think it would have been less harsh to just suspend a season or two completely, and then let them have all their scholarship stuff back right away. Starting over is going to be easier than limping along for the next 4 years, and then trying to rehab the program for another 4-6...
  7. while I agree that the administration and not the students should have been the focus of any/all sanctions, I also understand that the students are going to be collateral damage here. Frankly, they should be outraged. If they're that outraged, they should transfer or withdraw from Penn State. But it's not fair to misplace the outrage against the NCAA. As unfair as it is to punish the students for the administration's inaction, it would be far far more unfair to minimize the gravity of Sandusky's offenses and the subsequent coverup. I'd rather 'punish' the innocent PSU students with some football sanctions than have to look the abuse victims in the eye and say, "well we didn't want to punish the students." I'm interested to hear what the victims would have thought was a fair sanction. I presume many of them grew up as Penn State football fans. This was probably the last thing they wanted to happen.
  8. I'd like to see a socioeconomic break down of who is committing all these murders, and who the victims are. My guess is that there would be a strong statistical argument to deport the poor rather than getting rid of guns. I'm not saying I support that conclusion, but that is the kind of foolishness that comes from reacting to statistics rather than addressing the underlying cause. At some point we need to stop bailing buckets of water from the boat and focus on patching the hole.
  9. And it's Allison Stokke. I am an idiot. Did not see any recent pics of her looking anything but amazing.
  10. Maybe you just haven't met the right guy yet.
  11. Can't embed this from my phone, but Alison skokee is way hotter. http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/5387/alisonstokee.jpg
  12. Really? I mean, she's cute and obviously in great shape, but there are other track athletes who are much "hotter."
  13. I met 2 guys at a track day at Gingerman who painte their bikes yellow "because yellow gear is ALWAYS on close out!" They had gotten amazing deals on their leathers.
  14. No offense, but it's easy to Monday morning quarterback this situation and talk about what could have or should have been done. I don't blame anyone for being scared and fleeing, especially not when they're suffering the effects of tear gas and still hearing a loud movie soundtrack that also contains gun fire. The whole scene had to be dark, chaotic, and very confusing.
  15. Two guys I graduated high school with just got 6 years and 9 years respectively for something they considered "a prank."
  16. Yep. To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement. I consider brad a friend. A friend who made a dumbass decision. I did not get the full story, but I got enough to be disappointed.
  17. Congrats on a successful weekend, Brandon. I wouldn't sweat the 100hp dyno number too much either. I don't know whether it was the heat or the dyno itself, but rumor has it that a 750 engine only registered 95hp after practice. What kind of build did you have done anyway? Standard superstock legal stuff for WERA?
  18. it's literally a part-for-part copy of the Remington 870, so the big advantage there is that most accessories and upgrade parts will work with the NEF pardner. I don't own one and have not shot one, but i looked into them pretty seriously for a while when my cousin (former LEO) recommended it for home defense. If you plan to keep it and beat on it forever, they're a great value, but obviously the used market for them is very soft.
  19. The lack of decent roads in close proximity to the Cleveland suburbs is part of the reason a fair number of us to do track days and/or races at Nelson Ledges. Show up some time and do the lunch time parade lap. You may have to pay a gate fee, so have some cash on you, but the lunch time ride is otherwise free, and the only gear requirement is a helmet (maybe long pants as well). Just realize that whether they say so or not, the parade lap leaders will absolutely go a lot slower based on less sport-oriented bikes OR lack of gear. I wouldn't say that they intentionally up the pace for sport bikes or those with full gear, but they also won't be as hesitant to go 60% pace instead of holding back to 40%... If you like Nelson, it's a nice little speed fix every couple months. Yes, it's $150 for a full day or $75 for Friday night practice, and yes, it's the same 13 turns every lap, but if you're getting bored of it or think you have it mastered after one day, you're doing something wrong! But Nelson is the twistiest, fastest, and (relatively speaking) safest stretch of "road" in NEO for motorcycles.
  20. Put Out Bay is a fun time. I've gone for 2 bachelor parties, and always managed to wake up without memory of at least one of the bars we hit. I don't recall drinks being that expensive. Certainly cheaper than down town Cleveland, but not "cheap" like a small town bar. But it's worth it. You can choose your scene too. "Level 2" has hotter (younger) girls and douchey guys. The other places are a pretty good mix. The island is a great place to land a 30 yr old who wants to act 21 for the weekend. Not that I would know anything about that...
  21. Parma's overnight parking ban is only in effect from December through April (I.e. when it's potentially snowing). That makes sense to me, but it does look trashy and makes the streets difficult to navigate at all times. I Suppose street parking is more necessary in my neighborhood than Breckscille, because driveways in Breckscille are so much wider and can usually fit more vehicles. But basically, it's a snobby rule that people love until they get a ticket for it. Choose your battles man. Explain that you're moving and why you're going to have cars parked on the street a lot. Let them know it's temporary, and ask what they suggest you do for the next month. If they're not helpful, THEN you go into "annoy the shit out of them" mode.
  22. With regard to people walking dogs with leashes across the path: guilty. But any time i see riders approaching or if they signal from behind me, I shorten up the leash to a couple feet to let people pass. Like so many things in life, trails require good communication. Talk, ring, or whatever. Just let people know where you are, and there shouldn't be an issue. I routinely thank people for telling me they're on my left or hitting their bell. No big D.
  23. I can't believe this is a surprise to the track. How many years has it been since anyone raced a Honda superbike? Jordan Szoke did a couple of years back, but Honda wasn't "in the series" even then. I believe a few Hondas raced super sport over the last few years, but none in Daytona sport bike.
  24. I actually saw one down town yesterday. He could barely negotiate a left turn.
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