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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. where'd they say it was his last wish? My wife and I were talking about funeral plans after her great-aunt died. I jokingly said, "i want my funeral to be a party. get the crying done early, then cremate me, and have everybody roast marshmellows over my burning corpse. It'll be great. I want my ashes spread at a race track. Just open my urn on the front straight, and let me take one last tumble at 100mph."
  2. "John" should have a service manual for his EX500. Same engine, same procedure - just have to get to the carbs in a slightly different manner. I have one too, but he's two hours closer to you. I've never cleaned the carbs on my bike, but it's more tedious than difficult. the biggest problem with carbs in general is that you have to take them apart and put them back together to tell if your adjustment actually did anything. FI, all you have to do is change a setting on the computer.
  3. don't bad-mouth bad fathers. They create excellent strippers.
  4. maybe if it was an actual smokin' joes race bike that they never used, but no way for a replica...
  5. ^ this is the first warming i've heard! good lookin' out! Twizted - you're on a 600 as well: 1) do you take turn 1 in 3rd gear, or is it a 4th gear turn? "100mph turn" doesn't help me because I rarely look down, and my speedo is off due to gearing changes anyway. It looks like you could do either (if 3rd is fast enough) and still down-shift under braking for turn 2, yes? 2) between turns 4 and 5, do you make it up to 4th gear? the video I watched, sometimes the rider did, and most times he didn't. Obviously he had to drop back down to 3rd for turn 5, so I'm wondering if it's worth even clicking into 4th, or if hitting the rev limiter in 3rd for a second or two is actually faster. 3) I assume you go down to 2nd gear for turn 7, is that a safe assumption? fingers crossed for good weather.
  6. RE: Gingerman Gate last time I was there, the guy told us it would be open until 11 when we left to grab dinner at 9. we got back at 9:45 to find him gone, and the gate closed. the little guard shack wasn't locked, and you can open the gate yourself. It's just a garage-door opener.
  7. if anyone's still on the fence about this, my wife had it done on Friday. She complained that I didn't ask her if she was ok, but other than the foul mood, she's been 100% fine. the little plastic eye shields you have to wear at night are kind of creepy, but those are gone now (3 days later). Beyond that, she's just supposed to use drops I think, to make sure her eyes stay moist. "a little glowing around the TV" and "sensitivity to florescent lights" are the only side-effects thus far. You're expected to have 'adjustments' in vision for the first 7 days while your eyes heal. so far, she seems really happy with it.
  8. woah - new guy waking up the 2 yr old thread! I wasn't active here when it started either. The bottom line is that "Paternalistic laws" are revenue generators, plain and simple. Once you're 18, I don't think the government should have any say in what you do or don't do when it comes to keeping yourself safe. If we allow that, then we're dangerously close to having a LOT of things outlawed. Lots of people die from accidents that occur in the shower. Horses kill more people than any other domesticated animal each year. Should we outlaw showering and ban owning horses? No - because neither pose a threat to anyone else. I don't see how not wearing a seat belt or not wearing a helmet is any different. I would be choosing to put MYSELF at risk, without compromising anyone else's safety. Why should that be illegal? Our only legal duty is to not put OTHERS at unreasonable risk of harm. The minor statutory exceptions are things like littering. Now, all that said, I think a person's willingness to ignore common sense should affect society's response to their distress. If i don't wear a helmet, I certainly don't expect paramedics to try their hardest to save me when I haven't tried very hard to save myself. Same goes for seat belts, and any other non-essential (I want people to continue bathing) dangerous activity.
  9. here's my take on the Hyosungs I see used: I find, say, an '05 with 3,000 miles on it. I will only pay HALF of what a comparable ninja 250 would cost me. I honestly think the build quality is more suspect than the parts quality, but that can create a lot of headaches. That said, properly gone over, I've seen a Hyosung 650 win races. the team had gone all out (shit like using titanium bolts to save weight), and basically completely disassembled and reassembled the bike though.
  10. You're lucky the guy took the high road. Every suburb I've ever lived in has an 11 PM - 5 AM "noise curfew." I became intimately familiar with the City of Dayton's noise curfew in college. So he probably wasn't breaking any laws, but you probably were.
  11. was behind a Mustang Cobra this weekend that had T3RMN8R
  12. 2 sessions? that sucks... if the forecast is right, I'm looking at thunderstorms for my season opener as well
  13. probably the same reasons skydivers wear helmets - it's not to save you from a crash, it's to keep you from getting knocked out and then crashing because of it. more applicable when jumping from a plane (bump your head on the way out), but I wouldnt' want to take a bird to the dome on my jet pack.
  14. I hear this all the time, but how is it possible that it's so bad? I'm not doubting the numerous people who have said so - i just don't get how a race track can get slicker than an oil and debris laden STREET so quickly
  15. redkow97

    WTB: Tent

    too big to adequately cover with a cheap tarp the more i think about it, the tent itself is just a structure to give shape to my tarps, and keep bugs off of me in my sleep. Given that Native Americans lived mostly in tent-like structures, I can't believe they ever had to do a rain dance. Seems like the second I roll out the drop-clothe, it starts sprinkling. By the time I get the whole thing hurricane proof, the weather usually clears up one more thing - pick up the $10 air mattress from target with the rechargeable electric pump. I have a queen and a twin. for as cheap as they are, they're worth every penny, and make sleeping on the ground a HELL of a lot more comfortable. Might also keep you dry(er) by keeping you off the ground in heavy rain.
  16. welcome all the time, or just when bikes are involved? when it comes to riding, my motto is, "when you drink, you're done - but when you're done, you drink."
  17. I wish I knew where to properly attribute this quote: "the problem is not high-performance motorcycles; it's low-performance riders."
  18. I feel like it really wakes up at more like 8k, and hits its stride at 10k, but yeah, I-4's can be pretty "Jekyll & Hyde" that way. There's nothing quite like getting good drive out of a corner and taking the bike up through a couple gears at WOT. ...damn I need a trackday
  19. I'll try to find the link on the WERA board, but someone over there put a stock BMW S1000RR on a dyno. 196.x hp at the wheel, with 35 miles on the engine. I grant you that not all dyno's are created equal; so the did comparison pulls with a GSXR 1000 and a Haybusa (on different days - temp, etc. can affect the reading as well). the result is that the BMW put almost 30 more hp to the wheel than the GSXR 1000, and 13 more to the wheel than the Hayabusa, while maintaining peak torque over a significantly larger portion of the power-band. Sick engine. http://forums.13x.com/showthread.php?t=251163&highlight=wow+s1000rr+bmw
  20. is 'quiet time' from 10-noon (with lunch moved up an hour), or is it from 11-1? I talked to a friend of mine (member, but rarely logs in) who has a commitment Saturday evening, but could make it to the track easily by 11 or so on Sunday morning. If that only makes him miss 1 session, I think he'll register - if that means he'll miss 2, possibly not. (and yes, I already warned him that he'll have to beg and plead for someone to give him a 1-on-1 rider's meeting and tech his bike)
  21. 22 with a ducati? at least the guy knew how to live.
  22. sorry to hear about the hand. are you at least cleared to pilot a scooter?
  23. I'm sorry, did I miss the part of the initial story where she ASKED to be searched for? If her husband reported her missing, that would make HIM responsible. An adult woman has the legal right to go AWOL. Moral, no. legal, yes. Better question - can this "missing" woman sue for invasion of privacy if the news stories about her continue? While she was missing, you could reasonably argue that her story was a "matter of public concern" (protected speech). Now that she's not missing, is the story still a 'public concern?' What if they find out she was cheating on her husband and publish that information? It's not illegal to cheat on your husband (in Ohio anyway - i think some Southern states still have infidelity laws on the books). On the flip side, if they find out her husband was beating her, I don't think he could sue, because he would be committing a crime. It's a lot more reasonable to argue that spousal abuse is more of a "public concern" than infidelity.
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