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Posts posted by redkow97

  1. :lol: WTF is that about? Why does the little Kat get so much hate? Are they really that bad? :lol:

    Ok, take a guy who really WANTED to buy a GSXR, and couldn't afford it.

    You get all the squidly properties of a would-be GSXR owner, combined with welfare stereotypes.

    Are the BIKES that bad? no. It's the (stereo)typical (first) owners that can suck.

    I'd gladly take a Katana for a street toy. 750 street fighter sounds pretty damn cool actually.

  2. Seems like a nice comfortable parade ride :)

    I wonder if a similar protest would work here to get filtering specifically permitted instead of being a vague

    a "similar demonstration" here would never happen. I've not doubt there are 40,000 riders in most states in the US (not betting on Alaska though), but Americans treat motorcycles like toys, not vehicles.

    I bet France has 20 times as many commuters as any state in America.

  3. personally, I think the government shoudl be able to require a hell of a lot more than a urine test if you're going to accept any assistance funded by taxes.

    No one is forcing anyone to accept welfare, etc. - so a pee test (or birth control, or mandatory meetings with a financial planner) is just a condition on otherwise 'free' assistance; I think a reasonable one.

  4. ever read a medical book? a human girl can give birth as early as the age of 9.

    nature (or god as some of you would say) says she's ready to have sex and kids. who are you to say what's right or wrong?

    some people don't eat cows either.

    "nature" hasn't quite caught up with the times.

    the age of female maturation has been dropping slowly, but steadily over the last few hundred years. From what I recall, it's attributed mostly to changes in diet. 200 or 300 years ago, people ate truly organically. Now we've got all sorts of shit in our food that speeds up the maturation process.

    "progress," right? :rolleyes:

  5. have i posed the "bizarro world" theory on this board yet? Desmond is friends with Whidmore, Jack has son issues instead of daddy issues, Myles and Sawyer are cops instead of con men. etc.

    Clearly the whole 'flash sideways' isn't supposed ot exist. It's their lives, without Jacob's influence, and i'm not sure they're really better off. Perhaps that's the point. Bad things need to happen for the good things to occur(?)

  6. all this talk prompted me to look at my policy. turns out i haven't updated it (except my address) since 2005...

    it lists me as not having an endorsement. Having one knocks of $16/year. Seems dumb that it's not more than that...

    I may also change my 'status' to "married," but i have to add my wife to the policy to do that. She has an endorsement as well though, so that may actually help my cause twice. we'll see.

    Oh, and cost of insurance has a lot to do with your location - moving from Broadview Heights, to Cleveland, to Parma, my rates fluctuated a LOT.

    BVH - $212/year. Cleveland $312. Parma $240ish. Probably has to do with population density (traffic) and theft rates, but that speculation on my part.

  7. License Status as of 04/07/2010: VALID




    been pulled over plenty of times, but i've never been cited for anything. The only thing I would have expected to see is parking tickets.

  8. 1997 EX500


    - I bought it for $1450 with under 6,000 miles on it.

    - parts are everywhere

    - as high as 58 mpg.


    - it's an EX500...

    2003 CBR 600RR


    - um, I never owned it in anything close to stock trim. I'll say, "it goes fast for cheap."

    - I beat the hell out of it and it's never given me any problems (knock on wood)


    - my arata headers melted the shit out of my coolant overflow reservoir. (the replacement came with heat shielding material on the part that melted)

    - uncomfortable as hell anywhere but the track

  9. what does the maintenance schedule say actually needs to be done at 600 miles?

    coolant flush and oil change? maybe check the chain tension lube some cables?

    I'm betting half this board will help you do any of those things so long as you bring beer...

  10. I <3 my center stand, and use it ALOT, but I've never done that...

    I think that guy wins a moron award, but I understand how it can happen (to morons).

    I'm betting he didn't have the bike straight up and down - probably leaning toward him a bit. Then when the stand picked up the bike, it 'fell' toward the other leg of the stand. Even a slight nudge would put it at risk of toppling away from him at that point.

  11. Some poor sucker is going to be PISSED when he realizes he risked jail time for a Katana.

    kidding man - i said the same thing when someone on the EX500 forum had their bike stolen. what a kick in the junk to start it up and realize what it is (and what it ISN'T).

  12. Is the bike even going to be plated and insured for the ride home?

    Mine wasn't - i had my cousin (he's a cop) ride it for that very reason. figured he'd have a better time smoothing over the lack of plates than I would.

    rent a trailer, or work something out with the seller as far as 'delivery.' In my case, my bike was 40 miles from MY house, but it was 2 miles from my uncle's house. I had the PO ride to my uncle's, and then I drove him back to his place.

  13. Glad i'm not the only one who thought $15k for a 'new' car was insane.

    $6k econobox that will last you 150,000 miles is the answer. Owning a GSXR 750 demands sacrifices from the financially less-able.

    I should know. I'm driving my wife's fucking dodge neon and an EX500. the trackday gods demand tithing. I have an infinite number of things I'd LIKE to buy, and a finite amount of disposable income. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

    honestly, in your place, I'd part the mustang, and trade the bike for a decent car. Then, when you have some cash in savings, think about buying a relatively inexpensive bike. 4k should get you something fuel injected that hasn't been crashed.

  14. ?? can't say :cool:

    I think Chris knows a Melissa though... I also think his middle name is Brian

    are you serious, or just trolling for information now?

    everyone knows a Melissa. I can think of one that I actually "know" and two others that I'm facebook 'friends' with. None share a last name with me.

    My middle name is not Brian.

    your databases suck.

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