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Posts posted by redkow97

  1. No the 2006 has continental sport attacks on them that only had one track weekend and BARELY any riding from last year. :( You know from my ability on the track that they weren't worn at all. LoL.

    so let me get this straight... By your own admission, you aren't exactly lightning quick; and you thought the BIKE was the problem:confused:

  2. I think it's ridiculous when people claim other riders are "holding them up."

    if you're faster, prove it. pass them.

    I admit this can be difficult when trackday rules limit the ways in which you're allowed to pass another rider, but the fact is if you're capable of turning faster lap times, there should be SOME place you're able to get around whoever is "holding you up" and then stay in front of them.

  3. It's not like you're gonna carve the twisties with a Fury anyway

    I think the 260'll look badazzz

    the tire is a macrocosm of my larger objection to 'choppers' in general. I view it as form over function, which I feel is out of place on motorcycles. but a bike should be what the owner wants. More power to the guy.

    I'm not saying choppers; and especially not cruisers in general, look dumb, it's just not what I'd spend my money on.

    I took a demo ride on the Yamaha Raider and actually kinda liked it (1850cc, and it's about .2 seconds faster than my EX500 btw) Definitely prefer the look of the Warrior though. As cruisers go, I'd only own one with relatively upright forks and a 'flat' backbone.

    I'm not trying to argue against anyone's personal preference, i just got into bikes because they're a CHEAP way to go FAST. that tire costs a bundle and makes the bike slower in every respect...

  4. divide $140 by teh number of bands you actually care about though...

    having just spent $430 on a pair of Lady Gaga tickets for my wife (birthday present), $140 is sounding pretty good.

  5. My neighbor and his wife do the fasttrax at NL... they're in the Race group ... not sure how that matches up

    some of the guys in their race group are pretty damn fast. I may consider registering in the race group later in the season, depending on how many people I feel are unsafe in the "open" group, and how much my pace improves.

    I agree that their instruction and policing leaves a bit to be desired at times. I've witnessed some of their 'regulars' rip a wheelie down the front straight. I'm not going to be shy about telling them I find that sort of thing to be unsafe, and that they won't get my $$ in the future if it doesn't stop.

    I think that some of their riders take the attitude that "fasttrax is a race group - the trackdays are just for goofing off."

    That's the minority of the riders, and I think management (Todd) is going to do his best to change that perception this year.

  6. there is no good way to confront roommates. period.

    Either you say something, and she respects your feelings, or she doesn't. Anything you do to retaliate will only create more drama within your house. not worth it.

    My roommate used to leave me notes with shit like, "dude, stop turning the heat down. I make enough money to be comfortable." (implying that I turned it down to be cheap - which I did.)

    the laughable part was that we both made roughly the same amount, except he had a car payment (mine was paid for), and his credit card debt was out of control (i never carry a balance).

    The point is, if he'd asked me nicely not to turn the heat down, I probably would have just let it go and coughed up the extra $10/month, but instead he was a dick, so I felt no compulsion to respect his request.

  7. I was up too late watching BBC America, and they had some show called "i'm in love with my car," or something.

    those people were seriously messed up. One old guy literally jacked-off on the film crew's Yukon in the middle of the night while he thought everyone was sleeping. They caught it on camera. He also 'molested' another "autophile's" Firebird. It was totally creepy and disgusting.

  8. cool - i already registered for the 2nd BeaveRun day (8/28?)

    the EX500 board I'm on is using that event as meet/drink/camp event. We'll likely have a keg on Saturday night, so plan on sticking around :)

    (I assume you'll register in the "open" group with me, but as fair warning, there may be 7-10 EX500's to pass in the 'instructional' group that day. The EX500 board should have more than 7-10 riders at the event, but not all of them are bringing EX500's)

  9. I've ridden with Fasttrax (apparently changing their name to "motoSeries") a handful of times over the past 3 years, and I was curious if anyone else will be riding with them this summer.

    As trackdays go, Fasttrax is stupid cheap, so that makes it more accessible than a lot of other orgs.

    www.ridefasttrax.com if you want to see their schedule.

    but the basics are as follows:

    - they pretty much operate exclusively at Nelson Ledges (2 dates at BeaveRun)

    - no membership required (i.e. no fee)

    - they do have limited leather rentals available for those who don't own a suit.

    - Cost is $120 for the 7, 20-minute sessions on a Saturday, OR $60 for open practice for experienced riders on Friday from 6:00 until it's too dark. (they run their race series on Sunday, so unless you have a race license, the only reason to stick around would be to spectate)

    I firmly believe that STT has the best beginner program I've ever attended, but when I did the fasttrax 'track rider' school in 2008, it certainly wasn't bad. Fasttrax's instructors weren't as good, but they keep a beginner safe and out of trouble. The instructors are definitely fast, I just don't think they get as much practice at actually instructing as the STT staff. (there's a difference between being able to DO and being able to TEACH)

    They HAVE changed their format since I took their school, but the 'instructional' group is still a good way to get into track riding. I don't know if they still have formal 'classroom' time, but I think so.

    their "open" group is a lot like STT's "I" group. If you've done trackdays before, you'll probably fit in fine.

    As many have probably heard, the track conditions at Nelson Ledges leave a lot to be desired, but for me, it's simply too cheap to pass up. You can absolutely get yourself into trouble and crash at a trackday, but I honestly feel that a little common sense and self-restraint make Nelson safe to ride.

    I have a motion for summary judgment due on 4/18 at midnight, but I'm still thinking I'll ride on 4/17...

    any takers?

  10. Welcome aboard.... Im in downtown Cleveland in Akron some days.. If you plan on going to Bike Night at Quaker Steak Cleveand/ Valley View the 1st one is 4-21-10 i'll be there..

    If we're plugging spring events, the first trackday of the season is at Nelson Ledges on 4/17.

    way better than any bike night ;) (although admittedly slightly more expensive). She did say she was 'down for anything.'

  11. +1, that's the biggest benefit to full face helmets :D

    all joking aside, I have seen a rider lose several teeth even WITH a full-face helmet (his was a bit large on him). the same crash without a full-face helmet would likely have resulted in reconstructive jaw surgery.

    That guy now wears a mouth guard when he rides. I do the same on the track. Should probably make it a habit on the street as well...

  12. my wife is seriously researching it right now. she has 3 consultations scheduled, and plans to base her decision on how those go.

    My take is, "they're your eyes... Let's choose the best doctor, not the cheapest." (That, in tandem with the sickeningly expensive Lady Gaga tickets I just bought for her birthday, are getting me cart blanche with trackday costs...)

    personally, I think it's still ridiculously expensive, but then (last I took an eye exam), I can see well enough to drive without any corrections... I still can't stand driving without my glasses/contacts, but I don't need them to read the clock at night, or the book right in front of me. My wife does.

    we (quite literally) have different views.

  13. can't believe i have missed this entire thread.

    same here.

    I thought the God/Jesus/Devil symbolism was a little thick last night.

    Richard did everything but get down on his knees and scream "my god, my god; why have you forsaken me?" :rolleyes:

    Smocke (smoke monster/Locke) offers Richard whatever he wants, and Jacob asks him to make his own choice. They could have subtitled the scripture verses that do the same.

  14. PM "ridersdiscount" on the WERA board.

    $245 for the Pit-Bull TRS (including pins and shipping). I've only seen them elsewhere for $280.

    Mine has already saved me one argument with my wife (she no longer needs to sit on the bike while i ratchet it down), and I have every reason to believe the thing will last damn-near forever.

    I'm also pretty sure I can sell it for what I paid any time in the next 3-5 years, although the pins might be a bit harder to move, since they're bike-specific.

    it also leaves the trailer floor almost completely flat when removed.

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