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Posts posted by redkow97

  1. thanks guys, i think i might just rock my hjc for a few weeks longer and save up for an exo-700.

    dude, I checkedthe STG site, and if you're not picky about color/style, you can get the 400 for $65, and the 700 for $108.

    I need to go work out now, or I WILL buy this for $108...


    my favorite of their designs from last year, and now it's on clearance. must resist...

  2. My EXO 400 is my track helmet. Great helmet for the price. I love mine, but I can't speak to comfort beyond 25-30 minutes at a time; I just only wear it at the track... My HJC pulls street duty, and is due for replacement - probably with an EXO 400 or 700.

    the EXO 700 is lighter, and has more features. I like that one a lot too.

    Look at buying through sportbike track gear. Their deals on scorpions are disgustingly good - you just may have to get last year's design. To me, they all look the same from behind the visor.

  3. I've wanted a bike since I was 6yearsold and a friend of my Dad came over to our house just RIPPING down the road on a cbr600rr

    (go ahead and do some math, me 6yearsold and a 600rr already out, yeah I'm a YOUNG one)

    the first year for the 600RR was 2003, so you were 6 years old then.

    it's 2010, which would make you 16 now.

    But then you say:

    lets skip a couple reasons on why I didn't go right out and buy a bike as soon as I moved outta my parents house and turned 18...

    I'm confused about where the mistake is here... did you think the 600RR came out earlier than it did? did you mean 900RR?

  4. I don't know why, but I don't like the GSX650F - to me it's an answer to a question no one asked... i admit i've not ridden it, but it seems like a heavier, uglier SV650 to me. unless it's THAT much smoother than the SV, I like the SV a lot better. It looks like they shoved a bandit engine into a katana-replacement fairing...

    FZ6 gets my nod, if you can find one.

  5. But Ohio IS. better safe than sorry.

    I've not purchased a car out of state, but my old bike was from NJ. Unless it's got a salvage title, they're just going to do a "VIN inspection" for like $3 to verify that the out-of-state title you're holding matches the vehicle.

    in my case, I trailered my bike home, but to drive a car home, I would imagine you'll have to take the title to the Indiana BMV, and buy a 30-day tag.

    Once you're back in OH, you'll have to buy new plates, or transfer existing plates like any other vehicle.

    I don't believe OH plates can transfer ownership - only from vehicle to vehicle that the same owner possesses. What i'm saying is, I don't think there's any reason to take your mother-in-law's plates, because they won't be able to be used on that vehicle until it's registered and titled in HER name.

  6. There are actually two, sealer indeed from how they paved the track. It takes some getting used to but is nothing to be scared of!

    ^ agree.

    you just have to cross the seams with some purpose, and not stay on top of them.

    I had the rear squirm on me once in turn 2, but the less you think about the seams, the less of a factor they are.

    I know this will be irrelevant with the repave, but what kind of lap times are common for B, I, and A groups at Gingerman?

  7. I do appreciate the information and thoughts on endurance racing, Brian; it just doesn't sound very fun when you bring all the BS into it.

    what I'm really hearing is:

    - be prepared to spend more than you think you will need to.

    - ride with people who you trust to do right by you when something you hadn't planned for goes wrong.

    If I ever run an endurance team, I'll be choosing teammates I can trust first, and guys who go fast second.

    The day riding my bike is what's pissing me off is the day I find a new hobby.

  8. Iron Pony is worth the drive. Somebody on another board asked me about how IP compared to State 8.

    I tried not to laugh. There is no substitute for Iron Pony. we're incredibly lucky to have it anywhere remotely near us. And for most stuff, their pricing isn't bad.

    My textile jacket was like $40. It's not a super nice model, but i still couldn't find it anywhere else for less than $60 + shipping.

    my $50 rear stand is from IP too.

  9. you forget,you cant pass anytime instructor,and you cant make inside pass and that is stupid.

    i DID forget those rules. Thanks.

    I don't mind not being allowed to pass control riders. I've never been 'stuck' behind one for more than a couple of turns before they waved me by, or asked me to watch what they were doing. If they do "hold you up" on purpose, it's probably because there's a cluster-fuck of people ahead of you, and they're trying to create some distance between you and the group so you're not part of the log-jam. As the log-jam spreads out, it's safer and easier for you to get through.

    I LOVE that inside passes aren't allowed. Sure it makes it a bit hard to get around some people, but the bottom line is that people rarely take you out from the outside. disallowing inside passing means I never have to worry about someone low-siding underneath me.

    if you time it right, you can maintain your corner-speed and be gaining on them through the turn, so the pass coming out is easy anyway.

    I passed an FZ1 on my 600 this way - If you're faster, you're faster. there is always a way to get around someone without breaking the rules.

  10. I must have mixed up posts on the FT site, so I apologize for the misinformation; Kathy didn't specify a lap time.

    as for her "bashing" of OR, someone asked her what other forums she hung out on, and this was her reply: "as far as the desmo guys nope and ohio riders BLAGH! I hang at localriders.com"

    I don't know what "BLAGH!" means, but I can understand that not everyone appreciates our shenanigans, or the fact that people felt the need to thread-jacked her post and proceeded to lecture about how much she's doing wrong. Is it really surprising that she doesn't frequent the site when this is the kind of response she gets?

  11. Unless i'm mixing up screen names between the Fasttrax forum and this one, she's looking for someone who can turn consistent 1:12'S at Nelson.

    That's "A" pace at any trackday I've ever attended. I'll be happy if I drop into the :15's at Nelson this summer.

    3 riders may not be the best way to win, but it's definitely a cheaper way to race a (more) complete season.

  12. i heard our fax machine making noise in the office yesterday for the first time in at least 6 months. the new girl (probably barely 22?) asked what the noise was.

    I thought she was joking, because we don't use the fax very often, but she really had no idea what it was.

    She was a little embarrassed. I obviously helped the situation by describing to her how a type-writer and track-ball worked as well :-D

  13. The one thing I learned in a Turkish Prison:

    A mouth is a mouth.

    lol - i remember watching "midnight express" on TV when I was like 12 or 13. I stopped stealing shit from the convenient store immediately, and that was my reaction to the TV edited version:eek:

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