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Posts posted by redkow97

  1. i personally think we should fix our own damn problems first, its been ~4 years and new orleans is still a mess.

    I feel more sympathy for the Haitians than I do for citizens of New Orleans for a couple of reasons:

    1) knowing that they live below sea level, they're morons if they don't have flood insurance. Can you even buy insurance in Haiti? I doubt it...

    2) forecasts warned for WEEKS prior to Katrina that they should get the fuck out of there, or risk being stranded or killed. I have yet to hear about any earthquake forecasts in Haiti.

    that said - I agree that the United States should take care of domestic problems before trying to be international heroes.

    There are some things you simply can't fix, and shouldn't expect to.

    As it pertains to Mexico, I don't think we owe them anything. If you're a legal immigrant (hell, even if you're illegal, but paying taxes), then I fail to see the problem.

    but illegals perpetuate a negative stereotype upon themselves. Their intentions are trumped by their actions. The US cannot and should not try to save everyone, including its own citizens.

    just look at the abuse of welfare, the bank bailouts, etc. EVERYONE needs to accept the reality that some people are going to 'fail' in some capacity, and we can't bankrupt ourselves chasing an impossible goal. Bad things happen to good people. that is part of life.

  2. ^ to some people, yes.

    others think it will be great to have something more portable than a netbook, with fewer functions.

    the photographer that shot my wedding can't wait to pay too much for one. He's thinking he can use it to showcase his photography, keep his kids busy in the car (movies/games), and still be able to use it for email.

    if all you want is portability and low processing power, it's not a 'bad' product, I just think you can get a laptop for teh same price, or less, that does everything but use AT&T's mobile network...

  3. my grandmother seems to forget that my brother and i have bikes, and every time she sees them, she's as horrified as the first time.

    My reply to her concerns has been, "Grandma, you're aware that the majority of household accidents happen in the bathroom, right? Lots of people slip in the tub, or on the wet tile floor, right? This kills and seriously injures people pretty routinely (pause) Is any of that knowledge going to stop you from bathing?"

    Life is a terminal condition. Enjoy it.

  4. I'm digging it. Would be good to take on my motorcycle trips.

    Yeah, i bet it's really durable. :rolleyes:

    said friend who invents/sells accessories and apps for the iPhone is on his third. Neither of the first two took more than a low drop before they were toast.

  5. Welfare recipients need to be drug tested too...going somewhat off topic.

    I'm not a fan of giving people free money to live off of for the rest of their live (vs. helping them get back on their feet). The LEAST the government could do is assure that the people getting the $$ actually deserve it and can function (drug free) in the work place. You wanna smoke a lil rock? Go do it with your own money.

    I'll go one-step further and say mandatory drug-testing, as well as mandatory birth-control.

    No one is FORCING you to go on birth-control, it's simply a condition of accepting welfare benefits.

    All the uber-liberals who cry "people have a right to reproduce" can shove it. Let's assume people DO have a right to reproduce - I don't think the constitution guarantees the right to welfare. You want financial assistance, you comply with its terms. Violate them, and the state takes your children and tells you to fuck-off.

    the only way to discourage people from being on welfare is to make it less comfortable.

  6. The right rider will keep up with most any bike on a so called inferior machine. I have ridden with people riding XB9s with the HD sportster motor that I couldn't get away from with my 1000 sport bike. I have also been able to keep up with 1000 sport bikes with a 600. If I hadn’t found such a good deal on my 1000 I would have been out trying to buy a 600 and wouldn’t have felt out gunned by the bigger bikes. You aren’t really looking at fast bikes but who cares buy what you want and have fun.

    ^ +1.

    On my 600RR, i've been passed (on the brakes) by a Honda Hawk, and I've gotten the drive to pass an FZ1 coming out of a turn.

    in both cases, the bike doing the passing was probably giving up 40hp...

    I'll muddy the waters even more for the OP - look into the 1125cr. Black-out the cooling 'scoops,' and replace the headlight, and it's a pretty bad-ass looking 'naked' bike.

    that $6k budget should cover one.

  7. it hit 50 degrees yesterday, and I couldn't get EITHER street-legal bike started. My brother's battery is beyond dead, and mine wouldn't turn over.

    I tried bump-starting both with no luck.

    with more determination (or jumper cables), I'm sure i could have made it happen, but I wanted to get to the gym, so I gave up.

    wish i hadn't :(

  8. I don't consider sun glasses alone to be enough protection either. The cop puller over a guy being a dumbass. Either choose to wear a DOT approved helmet, or wear nothing if the law allows it. I really don't see how this guy thinks he's right.

    the warning was issued for concealing his face, based on a law intended to prevent the Klan from intimidating people on public property. It's not a traffic violation, nor is it a helmet violation or an eye-protection violation.

    While he may have broken the letter of the (really effing old) law, he didn't violate its intent, and it would be highly unlikely that a court would find differently.

    Assuming he has the required $10k in medical coverage, he can wear a cowboy hat, and not be in violation of the law. By your logic, this woman is violating the same law, because her face is covered.


  9. Ban the internet too. My daughter might find out what a Blumpkin is.

    If i had a daughter (god forbid), i'd prefer she find out from the dictionary or the internet instead of some teenage guy with a scraggly goatee and a civic with 19" rims...


    knowing what a word means isn't an endorsement to DO the act. I'm sure most kids know what "murder" is, but "oral sex" is inappropriate subject matter. right. got it.

  10. No, they are wrong. That is nothing like a full-face helmet. I would rather not wear a helmet than wear that piece of crap. I bet it would shatter upon any kind of impact sending shards of plastic into his face. The cop made the right call.

    and sun glasses are "eye protection?" give me a break...

    he was being hassled about concealing his face, not the protective value of the face shield.

  11. Dude broke the law by wearing it, if he didn't wear anything he'd be legal :-D

    only if he has enough medical insurance (FL law requires $10k for you to ride w/o a helmet), but yeah, i do find it kind of ironic that they're ticketing people for wearing helmets, no matter how ridiculous.

    Stupid as the couple sounds, they're right about it being no different than a typical full-face helmet with a tinted visor. I'd be surprised if the prosecutor doesn't agree, and drop it.

  12. I really don't think carrying a gun would have saved this woman. If somebody is willing to kill you for your wallet, they're going to kill you, and take it after you're dead.

    You can't retaliate or return fire if the assailant walks up to you and his first move is to put a bullet in your head.

  13. I've often used the NBA as my example of why affirmative action is ridiculous.

    "12% of the US population is black, therefor only 12% of the NBA should be black. Wouldn't that be 'fair?' Is the NBA discriminating against white people because they're not proportionately represented?"

    I'd actually be curious about a racial break-down of the NFL. Quarterbacks and kickers might keep things relatively equal. That's it! I demand that all NFL teams interview a black kicker before they're allowed to hire a white kicker!

  14. If it's serious, that might be the most entertaining ad I've read that's actually legit.

    I expected the car to look a LOT worse too :p

    ...and i'm somewhat ashamed to admit that between my old car, and my current truck, I have dealt with about 2/3 of the problems listed.

  15. that guy whome she asked to use his phone to call 911, kept walking...... lol sorry but that's stupid.
    Anybody read where the guy wouldnt let her use his cell phone to call for help afterwards? Homeboy just walked off.

    The victim has a mental illness that affects her ability to interact with others socially. She had also just been raped, and was probably somewhat hysterical, crying, makeup smeared, etc.

    If some woman came up to me looking the way she did, I'd probably assume she was high, homeless, crazy, or some combination of all three and keep walking too. I'm not proud of that, but it's an honest answer...

    or are you in the habit of lending your phone out to any random who asks?

    It's a sad situation - i just don't think we should all be so quick to judge without all the facts.

    and let's not misdirect our anger at the bystanders. the suspect is ultimately to blame.

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