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Posts posted by redkow97

  1. legally, i don't think he has a leg to stand on, but a jury might be sympathetic; especially a jury comprised of older individuals who, 1) probably won't understand why a computer or iPhone needs to be on 24/7, and 2) may have health problems themselves, or neighbors who annoy them in some similar capacity.

    I think it's an unfortunate situation for the plaintiff, but I don't foresee any 'fair' solution for him.

    what if the Plaintiff had severe asthma, and the Defendant smoked in her back yard, right near the AC intake for the plaintiff's home?

    in that case, her actions are unnecessarily aggravating his medical condition, just like her phone. (not a perfect analogy, but the best I can come up with on the fly) Couldn't the court reasonable rule that smoking in that particular place is unnecessary, and preclude the defendant from smoking in close proximity to the Plaintiff's home?

    is a cell-phone an "essential service" when land-lines are a completely viable option? I don't think you can possibly argue that dimmer-switches or florescent bulbs are essential either.

    I'll concede that the plaintiff is asking a lot of his neighbor, but I wouldn't be shocked if a jury found the requests reasonable, given the circumstances of his legitimate medical condition. An expert witness could definitely sway a jury.

  2. i have mixed feelings on the starboyz.

    on the one hand, they helped popularize sportbikes. Some of my first memories of non-cruisers involve a fur-covered bike and a rider with a big star on his back.

    on the other hand, i feel like they also helped start the stereotype that all sportbike riders rip wheelies down the highway at 90 mph, and are constantly riding irresponsibly.

    But I can't help but admire their business aspirations. "hey, let's try to make some money by riding sportbikes and putting it on video. sweet."

  3. Guy looked like was barely in control much of the time. Several times I thought he was gonna flop over

    and yet he didn't.

    I can't decide if the guy is that much MORE skilled than I give him credit for, or that much dumber.

    The guy has some balls - not that that's always such a good thing...

  4. I hope we get some seasoned track riders chiming in on this thread...for as much emphasis as people put on body positioning, it sure is hard to get some good, informed advice on the subject.

    i wouldn't call myself "seasoned," but I don't embarrass myself on the track. My take:

    if you're going fast and not low-siding, your form is good enough. Larry Pegram's form sucks balls to look at (knee injury of some sort forced him to change riding styles), but the guy is fast as hell.

    do what works for you.

    Re: the initial picture, I KNOW i 'reach' for the ground early in the day, and as my speed comes up, I hang off less and lean over more. There's nothing wrong with hanging your knee way out, scuffing the puck, and then pulling your knee back up a few inches before you set it down to actually slide through a turn.

  5. they have a list when you attempt to check out. Let me know what you find out. I was thinking the place Independence would be close to work for me, and right down the road for you.


    6411 SUNSET AVE

    INDEPENDENCE, Ohio 44131

    I didn't see stonewall on their list, but I wasn't looking for them...

  6. anyone who doesn't like "God" on their money; I'll happily take it off your hands.

    personally, i don't give a shit what my money says...

    BUT, I have to believe that there are millions of American Christians who would be outraged if our money said "in Allah we trust." I'm not sure how those people can so passionately argue that "in God we trust" is 'fair.'

    I vote that all currency feature a festivus pole.

  7. They should have had a few Deputies at the front doors manning the entrance. Wonder where the breakdown in security was? Too bad' date=' but I can't get into my courthouse without walking through a metal detector and emptying my pockets.[/quote']

    all reports are that the guy didn't get past the metal detectors; he just walked in, pulled a shotgun out of his jacket, and started firing while IN LINE for the security checkpoint.

    what do you want them to do? move security outside? So then the crowd of people outside gets shot up instead.

    You can't prevent idiocy. Am I missing written sarcasm somewhere?

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