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Posts posted by redkow97

  1. rip he had just started turning his life around for the better too

    all this "he was turning his life around" crap is starting to irritate me.

    Are people ignoring the circumstances under which he died? What about that situation indicates that he was turning his life around? Looks to me like the guy was continuing to make poor decisions.

    I feel bad for his kids, and I hope someone in their life steps up and teaches them to be smarter than their father, but I don't see how this is some kind of 'tragedy' in any other respect.

  2. Ohio drivers seem to be worse than most about that...

    In Indiana and Pennsylvania, i've noticed people getting over more often. Personally, I make a conscious attempt to drive in the right lane and pass in the left.

    Generally i try to operate under the rule, "I shouldn't cause anyone to touch their brakes."

  3. I don't hate the RX-8 as a track car. The automatic only has like 212hp, so I'd never buy that. the manual still "only" has 240 or so.

    but they're light cars. 240hp from a 1.3 liter engine is pretty respectable. The lack of torque means they suck from a standing start, but in a highway pursuit, I wouldn't be shocked if the RX-8 could top 130. The crown-vics should be good for at least as much though.

    Clarkson was sucking the RX-8's dick on Top Gear for a while. called it "the best sportscar he's ever driven" or something. the handling was that good ...until it rained. light car + summer tires + rain = miserable in any kind of low traction situation.

  4. "The fifth-year player was cut from the Bengals in March 2008 after a string of arrests and other legal trouble, but the team re-signed him in August 2008."

    gee, the guy with a history of 'legal trouble' dies in a domestic violence dispute?

    Who would ever have guessed that someone with such a long history of making bad decisions would die by jumping into the bed of a moving truck, with his angry fiancee driving? :rolleyes:

    i feel bad for his family, but the guy sounds like a total retard.

  5. I hated my roommate's cat, but I don't think i'd mind so much if it was MY cat annoying the shit out of me. too many of my friends are allergic though. I couldn't even have them in the house.

    too bad; my dog would have loved such cute chew-toys. Good luck finding them homes.

  6. so if i were to accelerate to the posted speed limit (lets say 45mph) the officer could pull me over just cause i sounded fast.. so lets say i ripped into 1st and then 2nd with out breaking tires loose or anything. the cop could pull me over?? just cause i sounded to fast.. bs..

    They refer to that as "gross display of speed," and it's a tenuous ticket at best. if you don't lift the front wheel or spin the tires, I agree that it's a non-crime.

    the new bill inserts the same scenario into the definition of 'racing,' but essentially it's to prevent 'legal' racing.

    my brother and I used to do this all the time on Route 8. There's that stretch where the speed limit is 50mph, but there are still stop lights every few miles. 0-50 was technically legal. "gross display of speed" prevents us from 'competing' up to a legal speed.

    with enough money, you can fight a lot of tickets. Cops are rarely infallible, and a good lawyer can get a LOT of evidence suppressed. that's how DUI attorneys make a living.

  7. It's either open the door or go and be destructive.

    Hence. Protection Order Time.

    The protection order might be harder to get than you think...

    Unless I read the statute wrong (which is possible), you're going to have to show that she's guilty of 'menacing by stalking' in order to get a protection order.

    that would mean she has to be "knowingly committing acts which make you believe she will cause you physical harm, or emotional distress."

    ...and courts are skeptical about emotional distress. Unless you're seeing a therapist about it, they're probably not going to do anything.

    Now if she owns firearms, fear of physical harm is easier to prove.

    I say just start calling the cops on her every time she shows up at your house. After they pick her up a few times for vandalism and/or trespassing, and she's wasted, either the cops will get sick of dealing with her and charge her with something more serious, or a judge will put the puzzle together, and levy a harsher sentence.

  8. i prefer pranks that don't require my intervention to return the workstation to normal.

    "someone" installed a screen saver that looked like the 'blue screen of death' on my boss's PC. he came back from lunch and nearly shit himself until he woke up the computer.

    I also enjoyed the day we switched two people's monitor cables while they were at lunch. You have to find 2 people who sit near each other with Windows 'wallpaper,' and switch them so their desktops look reasonably alike. they just assume the computer is frozen, and both restarted each other's machines.

  9. shitttt, pastrana did it on a pos old school stock bike...

    i cant find a video but it was in season 2 of nitro circus

    now that you mention it, i remember that too. I think it was an old Honda 750.

    zero modifications. not even knobby tires, IIRC.

  10. BUMP for one last question.

    One clause in the statement read something to the effect: '...and we reserve the right to demand immediate payment, as allowed by law, for any outstanding balances at any time at our discretion.'

    uhhhhhhh can they do that?

    they can - but they won't. They make a lot more money by allowing you to make minimum payments for months on end, while your interest wracks up.

    I don't know why my credit card company keeps increasing my limit - I've never given them any money.

  11. I have nothing around home for twisties, other then the track.

    how close are you to Gingerman and Grattan?

    Grattan is getting a new surface on the front straight for the spring, and I Believe Gingerman is extending their back straight, and modifying the the second-to-last turn.

    Assuming they move the pit-wall barrier as well, it could really make Gingerman different (although jury is out on 'better.')

  12. now everyone can get off my ass for owning just a cruiser ... :D

    so wait... you wanted to impress sportbike riders, so the logical conclusion was "buy a Katana?!" You must really stay in the 'cruiser' section more than I realize! ;)

    seriously though, congrats on a great deal. I have been casually looking for a katana in that price range myself. As much shit as we all talk about those bikes, they're relatively problem-free, and more than capable for street riding. streetfighter Kat 750 might be in my future :) Your neighbor have any more bikes?

  13. Twilight is PG porno. it creates ridiculously unrealistic expectations for the depth and strength of love - especially for a character who is supposed to be 17(?). To be cliche in the description, it's a 'romanticized' view of love.

    ...and my wife and my sister eat that shit with a spoon. I heard all about the books at Thanksgiving.

    if that's how it ends, I then at least maybe now i can get out of seeing the next movie.

  14. ^ I was locked out of the class at Tri-C as well, and I was only about 1 minute late. So be on time.

    They sold my seat to someone else, and kept my money. I knew i wouldn't get a refund, but I thought I should at least be able to schedule another class without paying again. They disagreed. that didn't sit right with me (selling 1 spot twice), and I remember saying, "fuck it - i'll just take the test."

    after a nice little lecture from the 3 cops in the room about "offensive language," i was still fuming... One of them sarcastically said, "good luck on your road test" as I left.

    I passed on the first try. Wish the a-hole cop would have been there to witness that.

    I respect the fact that there is a high demand for the MSF course, and I am all about them doing the "squatter's rights" method of insuring the classes are FULL instead of just sold out; but they took my money and provided nothing in return. Transferring my $35 to another course, or even just general Tri-C credit would have been much more reasonable. /rant...

    I you are going to show up and try to 'sneak' into a class when someone else is late, you should realize that it's a LOTTERY; not first-come first-served. My wife tried to show up early adn get a seat at least twice (was trying to surprise me by getting her license before we were married). both times, she was among the first on the 'wait list,' but they just draw names out of a hat to decide who gets the latecomer's spot.

  15. hey, my questions were answered, so I don't consider it a threadjack at all. Good info for someone else to find in a year or two.

    I'm still undecided on how i feel about the rails on my trailer. they're at least 12" high, which is great for carrying 'stuff,' but makes storing the trailer on its side more difficult.

    I also don't know how much weight i can carry on this thing, but the previous owner took a Sportster to Sturgis on it, and used it to move his Goldwing earlier this yaer. a goldwing is like 800-900 lbs, no? So there's no way 1 sportbike and a bunch of 'stuff' could possibly weigh more...

  16. well i picked up the trailer this afternoon. the guy was nice enough to sign my bill of sale, and give me his registration, which i'm hoping allows me to avoid getting the thing weighed (clearly states the weight on the old registration).

    there's also a section for "sold to" on the title, which i'm going to sign, and hope that helps me get through the BMV faster.

    lights will go on over hte winter. the kits are $25-$40, so I can't really justify NOT doing it. the only 'hard' part will be getting the plug-in part wired on my truck.

    the $7 ball-hitch I bought got the trailer home just fine, but I think i'll go wtih the class III hitch before putting hte bike on the trailer. just makes sense.

    the trailer actually IS 'home-made,' so I won't be lying when I tell that to the BMV. it used to be a boat trailer, and as a result, it's semi V-shaped. it's 4 feet at the back, and more like 3 feet at the front. Full 8 feet long though, so room for the Pit-Bull trailer restraint system :D

    it's lame how excited i am about that...

    all in all though, i feel like i got a good deal. "four" by 8 foot trailer, trailer jack, 3 wheels/tires, all in decent shape, tool box on the front of the trailer, and it tracked perfectly straight past 70mph. total cost: $200.

  17. that show is still on?

    i stopped watching when Vinnie packed up and left. Is Rick gone yet? Vinnie and Rick were the only two guys on the show that (looked like they) actually worked, and made intelligent design decisions.

  18. Does aging a beer for that long really make it better?

    I was told (by one of the brew masters for Great Lakes Brewing Company) that most of the better beers don't use the preservatives that mainstream brewers do.

    He was shocked that a Christmas Ale still tasted good on St. Patrick's day. Unless there's something drastically different in that Dogfishhead, I would assume the same principles apply...

  19. I searched, and found quite a few answers, but still have some questions:

    - I gather that trailers only need to be registered and plated in OH. No title, or insurance. Hopefully that's a correct conclusion. correct me if i'm wrong though.

    - do all trailers need lights (brake and turn-signal. I assume plate illumination is required), or only if they're a certain size? (i'm looking at 4x7, so it wouldn't obstruct my truck's lights)

    - my ranger has the step-bumper, with a hole to accept a ball. Am i cool to just buy a ball for a few bucks, or is it smarter to spent $100 on a class III hitch? (or find one used on CL for $50)

    i recall reading that the max tongue weight for the bumper is 200 lbs. the Class III should put me at more like 450 lbs tongue weight, adn 4500 lbs. towing


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