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Posts posted by redkow97

  1. like most fast food places, chipotle makes their highest margins on the drink.

    let's see... $1.79 for a cup that costs a dime, and liquid that costs them a nickel (maybe less).

    if you want to look at the burrito, the produce can get expensive, but in the quantities they buy, I'm sure they have that figured out. Then you're talking about the meat alone - figure $5 for your helping of chicken, and then $2 for 'everything else,' and it's still not a losing proposition.

    and Chipotle doesn't exactly employ geniuses. I've never had terrible service, but I almost always see no more than 8 employees: 2 who are clearly in charge, and 6 who look like they'd chase a butterfly.

  2. Can i ask...why there are 2 dudes...in the background...smiling? Wtf went on before...the picture? :wtf:

    this was new year's eve 2008. I assume you mean the guys standing on the deck?

    pretty much the whole party was out there. I was about do do a naked lap around the house. There's not much to see inside. The guy on the left had just beaten me in beerpong (his house), and the guy on the right threw snow balls at me eventually.

    i wish someone had taken "after" pictures. I slipped going into the first corner and a tree branch whipped the shit out of my back. I was bleeding and didn't realize it. May have drank a little that night.

  3. Remember though, if you don't get the DUI, you don't get to have those cool yellow plates.

    So, if you want the plates, blow.

    lol - my cousin honked and waved at a guy with the party plates once while i was in the truck with him. the guy flipped us off. then my cousin reached into his back seat and pulled out the yellow tags that were supposed to be on his truck. The other guy just started laughing.

    there have been rumblings about doing away with the 'party plates' over the last couple years. I haven't researched it, but I can't believe it hasn't been challenged more strongly on constitutional grounds. I suppose there is no "right to drive a car," but the party plates pretty much act as a standing warrant... they can stop you for no reason, search your car with no probable cause, and I believe they can breathalize you with no outward indication that you've been drinking; and then 'underage' rules apply. If you blow .001, that's another DUI.

  4. lol, not much a lawyer is going to be able to do, especially if he submitted to the test roadside.

    ^ I respectfully disagree.

    cops rarely administer the roadside tests properly, thus a good lawyer has an excellent chance of having a 'motion to suppress' granted.

    furthermore, a LOT of people get DUI's and then hire the cheapest lawyer they can find. A $2900 lawyer isn't going to defend you as well as a $4000 lawyer.

    Prosecutors know the lawyers in the area. If you hire a lawyer who has a reputation for actually FIGHTING a DUI rather than simply settling it, and your lawyer is respected in the legal community, the prosecution probably isn't going to waste their time fighting a case they might lose, when there are 200 other people who got a DUI this month that they can easily convict.

    My 'alumni mentor' specializes in OVI defense. PM sent.

  5. this is my all-time favorite car vs. bike video, but it's comparing a prototype bike to a production nissan, not to mention that it's Freddie fucking Spencer riding the bike.

    As much as I hate to admit it, cars should win a race more often - but this vid always makes me smile :)


    but you HAVE to point out that they did their lap from a stop, which means there's more acceleration (from 0) than there would be on a flying lap. This plays to the bike's greatest strength, and the car's biggest weakness. I think a flying lap time for both would have been quite a bit closer.

  6. I love bikes but cars can make it around a track. I have been around Nelsons as a passenger in a Z06 at 1:12. This was a street going car and without a whole lot of drama. I have never been timed there but I know I never went that fast around that track on my 600 track bike. The braking and cornering are incredible and the acceleration was more than I expected but still not quite what a bike is.

    1:12 is a pretty impressive time at Nelson. If you're breaking 1:10 on a bike there aren't many WERA experts who will be passing you. I'm sure a Z06 is capable of a sub-1:10 there with a decent driver though.

    I think it's undeniably easier to drive a car fast than ride a bike fast. The fact that the car has more cornering potential doesn't mean that the driver knows how to use it though.

    Now that said, if most people only use 80% of their car's cornering potential, most riders probably only use 60% of their bike's cornering potential. Even guys who do a lot of trackdays are probably only using 80-90% of the bike's ability. I know there's no way the bike is my limiting factor.

  7. it's not day-glow yellow is it? I'm trying to figure out if i know the seller...

    The F4 is a great bike. If i'd started on an F4 instead of an F2, I probably wouldn't have felt the need to buy my RR :)

    So are you going to change the VFR to GP, or see about switching the F4 to standard? I changed my street bike to match my track bike because it was cheaper, and I wouldn't go back to standard shift for anything now.

  8. i'm not concerned yet.

    I've never liked Delonte West... I watched him play for 3 years in college (A10 conference - i didn't go to school with him though), and was never impressed.

    The kid can play ...when he's not effing up beyond all belief. Personally, i think last year was a fluke, and he'll never be that great again. I think Parker was a decent pickup in the off season though. Didn't like seeing Szczerbiak go though, but could care less about losing Ben Wallace.

    jury is out on Shaq. I was a fan of the trade, but clearly it's slowing the team down even more than Z does. And man did Z look like shit the first two games. where did that come from?

  9. im more interested in the comparisons of bikes vs cars on a road course....ive only even seen one, it was a bade model porsche vs an r1 and the porsche was quicker around the track...i would surely hope a zx14 is quick in a straight line!

    car v. bike is largely dependent on the track, but cars are usually faster - they just maintain sooo much more corner speed.

    the only time a bike will win is when there are a ton of acceleration zones. favorable power to weight ratio helps the bike there.

    from Summit Point, WV

    ON 9/19/09


    C superstock expert (600cc bikes) - best lap 1:15.5

    A superstock expert (liter bikes) - best lap 1:15.8 (yes, the 600 was faster)

    you can pull car times too, but i don't know what the different classes are to tell you what each car is... at least one car turned a 1:09 there.

  10. The whole idea of trying to 'understand' suicide is a catch-22 for me... You can't rationalize irrational acts or thoughts.

    Psychologists and counselors have a lot of insight into the faulty logic of depressed individuals, but they're still not mind-readers.

    it's sad when people are victims of their own emotions, but i think any advice on how to help them should come from a professional.

    But DGTL GRL's thoughts on how to help the victim's loved ones sound spot-on to me. Those people are much easier to empathize with. Their grief IS rational and understandable. The way a person dies doesn't change the way they lived - and that's what their loved ones will miss.

  11. I've hated my job for most of the last 4 years now.

    As of this morning, i'm officially irritated enough to start looking again.

    If anyone works for a good company, or knows of some place that's hiring, I wouldn't ask you to stick your neck out and 'recommend' me, but the lead would be greatly appreciated.

    I have a BA in English Literature, with a minor in Journalism. I'm proficient in all the office software you'd expect from a 26-yr-old (it amazes me when we hire people who can't type...) and I started off at my current job writing instructions for proprietary software applications (basic technical writing), and answering electronic support tickets - basically, anything to do with writing is right up my alley. I'm not experienced with graphic design software, but I'm sure i could learn it... I'm better with proofing/editing.

    I'm also a part-time law student, so anything in the legal field is appealing. hell, i'll get coffee and wash Esquire's benz if it builds connections...

    And I have no objection to swinging a hammer or general 'labor' so long as the pay is decent. Ideally, $40k/year would be nice, but I could get by on $30k/year, so about $17/hour.

    I have reliable transportation (in addition to the bikes), will pass a drug test every time, no criminal record, don't lose keys or forget to lock doors, absolutely no tickets or accidents, and i'm in good shape (as it matters for a job digging a ditch or something...)

    so basically, I'd like to work for a lawyer, or pull an 'office space' and quit my desk job to work construction until i'm done with school - but i'll consider everything in between.


    hugs and kisses,


  12. Pilot Powers are the single best NEW tires for the money. period.

    if you don't ride aggressively on the street, trackday takeoffs will still have a lot of center meat on them. I wouldn't ride a race compound on the street, simply due to the heat cycling. Street tires are made to deal with being hot, then cooling down and repeating often.

    if the tire has a bare shoulder new, I wouldn't want it on a street bike. no wet traction, and probably a softer compound than I want or need.

  13. PowerCommander is a great tool, but only as good as your tune.

    a PC on its own won't add a ton of power, but it can help you make the power you haev more useful.

    ...or you can do the exact opposite and just go for balls-out most power for least money tuning, and ignore the fact that your torque curve looks like total shit now.

    But at least the PC lets you choose, and adjust quickly if you want. I have seen some guys who have a 'street' map and a 'track' map. The street map is a compromise of torque, fuel economy, and set up for 87 octane. the track map made the bike a slug until 10,000 RPM, was set up for 94 octane, and made at least 17 more hp than the street map. I don't think they ever measured mileage, but that wasn't the point...

    I think a compromise is more practical, as most of us won't change the map that often... but it opens up options for sure.

    if you jsut want the bike to accelerate quicker though, gearing down will be cheaper...

  14. i'll admit to having a skewed view of this subject since covering 'standards of care' in class.

    there are only a few scenarios for this poor girl:

    1) she was warned this was a possible side-effect, and chose to be vaccinated anyway.

    2) she wasn't warned this was a possible side-effect, and will try to convince a court that she wouldn't have gotten the shot if she had been warned. (a jury will not believe this, given that it's 1 in a million odds, but they may feel sorry for her, give her money, and the Pharm co will win on appeal, or the judge will remand the case for a new trial due to the jury not following instructions)

    or 3) the drug company had no idea this was a possible side-effect, and scenario 2 will likely still apply.

    If she's "lucky," more people will be affected (i doubt she wants that), and the odds could rise to the point that the drug company could be held liable, but then which drug company? I'm sure there are many companies that produce flu vaccines. Which one made hers? does she know? does the doctor know? who does she sue?

    now you're talking about multiple negligent parties (anyone who sold that vaccine), none of whom can prove they're not liable, but none of whom can be proved to have a 51% chance of guilt either (unless there is a pharm company that does supply over 51% of flu vaccines - and yes, 51% is the burden of proof in a civil case).

    Hopefully the pharm company feels bad and attempts to help this girl find treatment, or at least help her out with quality of life issues - but that would be a 100% PR move. I doubt she can argue any legal obligation. Bad luck is bad luck. I think Frank Costanza said it best: "it was a million to one shot, Doc! million to one!"

  15. 1100 had a commercial for the Trivisonno show on this morning that said something like:

    "sure there are black people i don't like. there are black people i wouldn't pay a dime for. But there are also white people I wouldn't pay a nickel for. is that racist? Am I supposed to like everybody?"

    our nation is really quick to assume things are racially motivated. WHO CARES WHAT THE MOTIVATION IS - either something is illegal, or it's legal. (guess where I stand on 'hate crimes?':rolleyes:)

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