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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. how f'd up is the whole tail section??...I may grab that from you to test something out...
  2. ...this is false. I've lived in both! Cincinnati drivers are THHHHEEEEEEE WORST!
  3. ...not going to lie, the best part was the after party ...
  4. You say random like that shit was not on the list!
  5. Hahaha I appreciate the invite, but I'm going to have to pass on your old salami...
  6. I'm thinkin you should at least nibble the salami before you kick it to the curb...that's probably what Parks would do and he's still alive.
  7. Ahhh, if it ain't green it's clean!
  8. LOL no doubt, were you expecting anything less than HUGE...wanted to make sure you could at least have a Yamaha desktop wallpaper!

  9. If your talkin 20th or 21st...looks like rain.
  10. ...should have gone with this...


  11. I'm just kidding...I suppose I should limit myself to one joke at a time. I mean, it's bad enough you go out and buy a suzuki, but now you're reading about cruisers. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!
  12. ...I couldn't help myself...I had too. haha But If SusuckiJess wants to read about Hell's Satans and tell her motorcycle buddies about it then more power to her...I'd prefer a summary tho, since I work so much and have absolutely no time to read. maybe
  13. ...what is this...reading rainbow? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6j8EiWIVZs
  14. McLovin


    ...where's the wooden legs, eye patches, and parrots? I was extremely disappointed, they need to read up on the pirate image...
  15. I was beginning to think I was the only one who was that excited...shits better than Christmas!
  16. Looks like the weather psychics are projecting warm weather at the end of a 15 day forecast!!! Wahoo!!!!!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl9HDXMYkm8]YouTube - Karaoke Pointer Sisters - I'm so excited>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkDuO_lgy0g
  17. McLovin

    Yut ughhhh!

    lol "got drifts?"
  18. Well, y'all have a close relationship with the Amish...so this would not surprise me one bit. You think they could hook me up with a wood grain dash for shitty's 750?
  19. ....soooo is he getting oem fairings for the bike?
  20. LOL...I was really bored and it was really irritating me for some reason. Kind of like an annoying sound that won't go away. Well, problem solved.
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