If you're going to patch and plug the tire...you should throw in some tire sealer... ...I've used Stan's No Tubes before by itself when I got a staple in my rear tire and it worked just fine for the life of the tire. Not going to lie...I was nervous as shit running around with a hole in my tire, but none the less I still RAN around. ...on the other hand, when I got a screw in a different rear tire...I tried to plug and patch it, but was unsuccessful (wouldn't hold air) and had to get a different tire put on. So maybe if you use a combination of the 3 (patch, plug and sealer) you'll have more success. I don't know what to tell you...shit sucks! She (your motorcycle) likes to pick you up and slam you down like most (fill in the blank)...but look on the bright side, you can rail on her whenever you can afford it. Ahhh shit, that sucks too. I'm sure Parks, Ron or Ross will let you sleep with one of their sheep for free.