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Posts posted by McLovin

  1. lol Look who it is... the almighty butt buddies Mclovin and Shitty. I take mclovin is resting his laptop on your back shitty, so you both can be on OR at the same time while he is pounding you in the ass.

    good thinking mclovin, I wonder if my gf will let me try that.


  2. elliot just called. he is sitting in turn 1... a hole

    ...sure did...shit was SWEET!!!


    ...emphasis on the space for the "OH SHIT! I missed turn 1"...

    I have gone from 92-1sh up until 2001. It just got boring and I even helped some buddies and it still sucked.

    Watching it on TV is best for camera angles and seeing everything.

    ...nothing like being there! I don't know about going every year to the same tracks, but you can't really compare seeing races in person to watching them on TV. I agree about the better camera angles on TV, but I get more of an adrenaline rush when I'm watching the race at the track.

    Oh yeah...I forgot...NIGHT RACE!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!


  3. Once again you fail at being a smart ass. See your post above would have been funny if weren't for the fact that you're going too douche. Oh and you can thank Mary (my gf for those of you who don't know) for getting your gf to come along so you could too. Since you didn't have the balls to ask. I have no idea why it matters if she was going or not but now that she is and you have permission to go besure to give thanks.

    see you in a few hours focker! :thefinger:


    ...uhhhhh wha?....

  4. Mclovin stop trying to be a dick. The guy asked a reasonable question. You and Benyen fail at being smartasses. Well maybe I shouldn't group you with Benyen... No I should.

    ...wow, you must be really bored...

    ...I suppose that's why you're going around threads posting your useless comments...


  5. i'm driving too since my bike is in coshocton, i'm in class til 11:15 so are we still planning on meeting at tommy's at 11:45?
    ...Tommy's Pizza (on the corner of neil and lane) this Thursday (March 5, 2009) at 11:45am...

    ...do you need me to google directions for you too?

  6. i might have to attend this. mclovin do you remember me when you were at seths house after hitting the hay bale?

    Haha yeah...Seth and Adam like to remind me about the hay bale...how could I forget good ol' Coshocton hay!

    I think Seth has called me a couple times, while he was visiting your place in Columbus...he sent me video mail of people sliding down the steps in a clothes basket, was that your apt? lol

  7. Shittygsxr and I will be signing autographs at Tommy's Pizza (on the corner of neil and lane) this Thursday (March 5, 2009) at 11:45am...bring your or.net calenders and memorabilia!!

    ...oh yeah...and for all of you campus OsuMj fans...she'll be there too!!!

    If that's not enough to get you to lunch tomorrow, I heard there will also be a guest appearance by Paddy O Furniture!!!!


  8. evading and eluding the 5-0 last may...it was bad & good & a helluva lot of adrenaline.

    Oh yea, and hitting a hill at 115mph and getting AT LEAST 2 foot of air i shit you not. Damn lucky I didn't do a tank slapper, the bars jerked pretty good when i landed it scared the CRAP out of me.

    and another time i hit a hill in a curve, i was going about 50mph, and the bike jumped sideways wow that was a heart stopper.



    ...nochknstrps does that for fun.

  9. I graduated from OSU in December with a Chemistry degree...and so far it's a WORTHLESS piece of paper that will be going up on my bathroom wall right above the toilet when I get a bathroom to put it in!

    ....ahhh well, OSU is allowing me to work my student job at the OSU warehouse until the end of finals week...so OsuMj if you decide to hit Tommy's up for lunch before the end of finals week, I'm sure shittygsxr and I could spend some of the governments time/$$ at Tommy's :D...

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