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Posts posted by McLovin

  1. Columbus traffic is worse than the Natti. I wouldn't live in either place.:monkeypoo:

    ...this is false. I've lived in both! Cincinnati drivers are THHHHEEEEEEE WORST!

    71/75 is closed at the exit for my work!! And I rode the bike in today!! Ugh, so much maneuvering today and trying not to die from all the crazy people was killer! Plus my hands were freezing!!! Grrrrr now I gotta go find a heater!


  2. mmmk, decision made. A combination of reading NINJA(again)Nick's article and smelling the cheese that I bought at the same time as the salami, I have decided not to eat it... which is a turn around from what i was planning when I started this thread.

    I'm thinkin you should at least nibble the salami before you kick it to the curb...that's probably what Parks would do and he's still alive.

  3. im off next monday and tues!! elliot the sumo parts should be here before that so ull have to com e down... just try to not get pulled over tiwce in one day like numb nuts ross did

    If your talkin 20th or 21st...looks like rain.

  4. OOHHH you are being mean today!!!!

    The book is awesome... It's just cool as shit to read about the motorcycle gangs terrorizing the country in the 60s and about the clash between AMA back then and the outlaws. Some things haven't even changed in 40 some odd years. There's a lot of information but it's Hunter S. Thompson style so it's badass!!!

    I'm just kidding...I suppose I should limit myself to one joke at a time. I mean, it's bad enough you go out and buy a suzuki, but now you're reading about cruisers. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?! :lol:

  5. :lol: thats what i was thinking but i didnt wanna say anything mean... lol thx for doing it for me!

    ...I couldn't help myself...I had too. haha

    But If SusuckiJess wants to read about Hell's Satans and tell her motorcycle buddies about it then more power to her...I'd prefer a summary tho, since I work so much and have absolutely no time to read. maybe :D

  6. Looks like the weather psychics are projecting warm weather at the end of a 15 day forecast!!! Wahoo!!!!!! :banana:


    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pl9HDXMYkm8]YouTube - Karaoke Pointer Sisters - I'm so excited>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkDuO_lgy0g

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