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Posts posted by McLovin

  1. elliot this one is for you! your favorite turn! haha the neighbor said hi! :lol:


    Yep, that's the one...I should have met you there cause I ain't scared!! lol

    ...annnywaaaays...I rode too!!


    ...the Lake was frozen...how depressing! :(


    Last but not least...I got her wet and then washed her. :D


  2. and u sir are the most excited.

    i heard u were trying to get mclovins butt cherry. sadly shitty's already got it.

    You dont deny Mclovin in the bedroom so why do you deny him in public??

    How about we leave McLovin out of all this homo talk...:puke:

  3. ...and how many times are you going to use the same material??

    At least when I wreck a bike, I wreck it. I don't just wash the front end out in a parking lot and let it drag me under a fence. :lol:

    Besides wasn't my fault I didn't have any brakes.

    Dear Mr. Post Editor,

    Yeah, then I got it painted and ran it into a bail of hay in Coshocton after you wrecked. Then I road it to the deal's gap area for even more twisties, while you were still w/o a motorcycle...Get Off Me!

    Since you want to try and be dick...



    McLovin 1 - nochknstrps 0 ...simple math...mine is in the garage.


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