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Posts posted by McLovin

  1. ...this photo hunt deal was RIGGED:lol:!!! How does the team that goes from Columbus, OH to the PA border and back in record time, not at least get a t-shirt :dunno:?!?!?!

    The team with the guy that got an ohioriders tattoo...well, he should at least get the title of Supporter, if he doesn't already have it on the forum!! Satan and CbrGirl, rules should have stated if someone gets an ohioriders tattoo...automatic WIN!! haha

    All-in-all, it was a good time. :banana:

  2. Its better to use short screws and alot more of them for ice racing.

    Thought about it....but I HATE the cold!! Unless I'm snowboarding!

    Plug it and roast it! Make lots of smoke! Buy a new tire :(

    Unless you may be able to find some stunter that only puts 10psi in his tire and he'll buy it off of you. You might be able to make a few bucks back...

    I was about to roast it with the screw in it haha....I was extremely pissed off, so I figured it would be better that I didn't at the time.:mad: I already took the wheel off, but I guess it's never too late to put the wheel back on and plug it back up with the screw. hahaha

    Dude, seriously, you gotta work on those chicken strips.

    That's the way I roll!!:D I'm sure I'll have the bike up at home in Youngstown before the summer is over...you'll have to show me around, haven't rode much up there.

    I bought the Dunlop 208s when they first came out. A week after, I got a nail. A week after buying another one, I got ANOTHER nail. It sucks!

    ...I thought I had bad luck, but that sucks big time!

  3. Looks like that screw caught you and your yamaha and pissed all over it.... I didn't sign a waiver for you to use my thumb on the internet, I should be a hand model.


    plug it! if its 4 street u should be good for a month or so more.

    The thought of plugging motorcycle tires makes me nervous...I've thought about it, but when I'm trusting my life with 2 tires they both need to be GOOD! I'm sure nothing would happen if it could be patched and plugged, but I'd be all foockerd up if something did!

    Thanks for picking that screw up bro.
    I have been looking for that screw. Do you mind dropping it off on monday?
    bytm!!! ;):D

    :asshole::thefinger::bigfinger: lol

  4. FUUUUCK YOU! What a stupid thing to say. I bet you have done your research and are well educated on the breed :rolleyes: Damn, I bet youre such a bad ass making a comment like that.

    :werd:...how would you like if people wanted to kill your dog and it didn't do anything!!!

    ...my pit isn't close to being stupid or aggressive, she loves to play and would play with any dog or person that would be willing to play with her!!!

    Layla 6-8 weeks...






    around 1yr (March 2008)...






  5. KawiKid you def. have to meet up with us sometime.

    Mclovin you need a girlfriend! where the hell did you find that video.

    :plus1: on kawi kid meeting up with us...we've been to coshocton area at least 3 times in the past 2 or 3 weekends.

    nochkntrps...what a hater!! lol I have youtube skills!!


    He REALLY should'a followed the hot blonde back to HER apartment on his way home yesterday!!

    I have so many hot blondes following me home...I have to beat them off with a stick! :lol:

    I tried to tell nochknstrps to trade in that gsxr and just get a Yamaha!! I'm sure if he had the R1 or R6 that the girl would've followed him home!

  6. What are you talking about Mclovin, you're just riding a little yamaha. Jk

    Ahhh shoot...they told me at the Yamaha shop that I was getting a big boy bike and that Yamaha didn't make anything little!! :lol:


  7. Oh hell no, that medicated has menthol in it and that stuff might cause problems.

    :lol::lol::lol: ...I didn't read the ingredients, I just read the uses lol. Now, wouldn't that be a horrible prank...better check that baby powder bottle before use next time. Sinner's a prankster!!

    Naahhhh.....This is formulated for a biker's "special" needs :lol:



  8. I could have used a slipper clutch on a few of the corners.

    Of course having the ass end slide around does keep you alert.

    :lol: on the hand signals.

    ahhh slipper clutch...I don't have one. Try blipping the throttle, if you don't already...and if you do, crack it a little harder! I love engine breaking, not sure how well that works on a liter bike tho. :dunno: I'd imagine you would need more break?!

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